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How to Get Noticed (in a Good Way) at Work

Follow these six tips to become less dispensable at work.

Source: Pexels

We all want to feel valued at work. Sadly, even the most extraordinary employees are not indispensable. Still, we should take the necessary steps to make sure that we are top of mind when it comes to promotions and other work-related opportunities.

Follow these specific steps to get noticed (in a good way) at work:

  1. Become a member of relevant professional associations. Attend chapter meetings to network and to stay abreast of current topics. There are numerous virtual opportunities to network through professional association meetings, especially given current social distancing restrictions.
  2. Sign up for weekly/monthly newsletters from relevant associations.
  3. Read relevant journals and blogs so that you may offer benchmarking suggestions to your boss and/or executives. When you find an interesting article, share it with your boss or at the next team meeting.
  4. Be thoughtful with your suggestions at team meetings. Make sure that you are seen as one who is intelligent, creative, and resourceful.
  5. Be helpful. Offer to take on a project or task that others may shy away from—as long as you have the skillset to carry it. This shows initiative and emphasizes that you are a team player.
  6. Become active on LinkedIn. Share relevant articles and comment intelligently on others’ posts.

The key is to develop and maintain professional relationships due to common interests and not because you need something from the respective individuals. That way, when you need a tip or a lead, or when you want to be considered for a project or promotion, then you are top of mind.

Remember: While we want to get noticed and remembered in the workplace, we don’t want to be seen as one who is overly self-centered. The key is to sound credible without sounding cocky.

Practice saying one-liners at home to help with this. The more that you practice, the easier these phrases will slip off of your tongue, even if you are nervous or lacking confidence.

For instance, when speaking with someone who is senior to you, preface your suggestion with, “In my experience….” Even the most experienced professional can benefit by learning from the wins and losses of others.

When speaking with a client, refer to other successful client relationships without disclosing confidential information. For instance, you might preface a suggestion with, “I’ve used this approach successfully with other clients” or “Many of my clients find this approach quite useful.”

When leading a meeting, say, “I’ve successfully dealt with situations just like this by…” before offering a suggestion that may not be well-received. Or, “When faced with similar situations in the past, this has been quite effective.”

Copyright© 2020 Amy Cooper Hakim

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