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The Mental and Physical Benefits of Spending Time in Public

Why social contact may improve feelings of social isolation.

Key points

  • Even the presence of others, in the form of regular contact and proximity, is an essential component of health and well-being.
  • Human beings are a social species for whom social behavior and the proximity of others is critical for human development and health.
  • The importance of social engagement is perceived differently by extraverts versus introverts. 

Many people have delivered the well-worn advice to “just get out there” to someone who is shy, new in town, or on the rebound romantically. Sometimes, with the best of intentions, we also give this advice to someone who is feeling lonely or depressed. Whether the statement is in reference to finding a new romantic interest or making new friends, the focus is on building relationships. Yet research indicates there may be an additional benefit to spending time in public.

Source: Graehawk/Pixabay

The Satisfaction of Socializing With Strangers

Julianne Holt-Lunstad and Andrew Steptoe (2022) examined the link between social isolation and physical health.1 They begin by recognizing the established connection between health and social connection, noting much of the research in this area focuses on loneliness. Yet, they note that evidence suggests that even the presence of others, in the form of regular contact and proximity, is an essential component of health and well-being.

Holt-Lunstad and Steptoe note human beings are a social species for whom social behavior and the proximity of others are critical for human development, reproduction, health, and, ultimately, survival. Using an analogy from the animal kingdom, from which we have experimental evidence of the impact of social isolation, they report that animals housed in isolation are at a higher degree of risk for numerous adverse outcomes, including recovery from a stroke and death.

Holt-Lunstad and Steptoe opine that research might have placed less emphasis on social isolation because it is often viewed as more complicated, and harder to change. They note that factors such as living alone and marital status may be difficult to modify and that interventions that modify social contact in terms of frequency and participation may be a more realistic option. They report that interventions involving social groups demonstrate a positive impact in terms of greater social connection, improved mental health, and enhanced ability to manage mild to moderate depression. Although Holt-Lunstad and Steptoe recognize the existence is mixed, and group-based interventions may be best tailored to accommodate individual needs, it appears that social exposure is beneficial for many people, both mentally and physically.

Social Engagement: Seeking Safety in Numbers

Other research investigated how the importance of social engagement is perceived differently by extraverts versus introverts. Studying emotional responses during the pandemic, Indy Wijngaards et al. (2020) examined the impact of COVID-19 protective measures on depression.2 Based on survey data from 93,125 respondents collected between March 20 and April 6, 2020, across 47 countries, they found that, for introverts, strict rules had a negative effect on depressive symptoms, while, for extraverts, the effect was positive, although nonsignificant. Their results suggest that although social restrictions may generally help people worry less and feel safer, the associated lifestyle feels more “natural” to introverts as opposed to extraverts.

The findings of Wijngaards et al. validate previous research observing that the lifestyle involving social distancing would feel more unnatural to extraverts (as opposed to introverts) because it inhibits the extravert’s desire to satisfy their strong desire for social engagement. They also note, however, that, in general, psychological research indicates that, as compared to introverts, extraverts are less susceptible to mental conditions such as depression and anxiety, and are generally happier.

Quantity Over Quality

There will always be individuals who report feeling alone, even in a crowd. But, for many others, being out in the mix and engaging with others in the hustle and bustle of daily life can improve feelings of mental and physical well-being.


1. Holt-Lunstad, Julianne, and Andrew Steptoe. 2022. “Social Isolation: An Underappreciated Determinant of Physical Health.” Current Opinion in Psychology 43 (February): 232–37. doi:10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.07.012.

2. Wijngaards, Indy, Sophie C. M. Sisouw de Zilwa, and Martijn J. Burger. 2020. “Extraversion Moderates the Relationship between the Stringency of COVID-19 Protective Measures and Depressive Symptoms.” Frontiers in Psychology 11 (October). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568907.

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