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The First Aid Approach to Mental Health Concerns

Techniques of "first aid" can help better manage mental health issues.

Source: dizanna/CanStockPhoto

Most of us are familiar with basic first-aid approaches to manage medical situations, or perhaps you’ve even had a course at school or work. But did you know you can now take a special type of first-aid course to learn how to better handle mental health concerns and crises?

I was very excited when I was able to attend a one-day class in my community. I’d like to give you a quick review of the program and share a few thoughts about why you should become more familiar with this valuable approach.

Mental Health First Aid originated in Australia in 2000 where it has been widely adopted, and it has since spread to at least 24 other countries. Over 5 million people have now been trained in the approach.

Mental Health First Aid is defined as the help offered to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The first-aid is given until appropriate treatment and support are received or until the crisis resolves. The classes are open to anyone; no prior mental health training is required.

The program begins with a very useful overview of several reasons why this approach is needed:

  • Mental health problems are common; 18.1% of U.S. adults will have a mental disorder in any one year.
  • Stigma about mental health conditions remains widespread.
  • Many people are not well informed about mental health issues.
  • Professional help is not always on hand.
  • Most people don’t know how to respond to mental health concerns.
  • Many people with mental health problems don’t seek help.

The course I took included a thorough overview of the prevalence of mental disorders, and reviewed the major symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, psychosis, substance use, and eating disorders. Common suicide risk factors and features associated with non-suicidal self-injury were also reviewed.

Other important topics in the class included the negative effects of stigma, the concept of recovery, common myths and misperceptions about mental illness, and various treatment interventions. All of this information, plus access to an array of websites, books, and related resources, was provided in a comprehensive manual for future reference.

While I was familiar with much of this information from my professional training and experience, I found the course material to be accurate, current, and informative. As I listened, I tried to put myself in the place of a layperson attending the class with little or no prior knowledge of mental health issues. I felt the information was presented at an appropriate introductory level, but with sufficient detail to give a thorough picture of each condition.

Mental Health First Aid Action Plan

At the heart of the Mental Health First Aid approach is the “Action Plan.” The action plan can be recalled by using the mnemonic “ALGEE,” which is also the name of the program’s koala bear mascot. ALGEE stands for:

A: Assess for risk of suicide or harm. The first step includes determining if there is a problem, checking to see if a crisis exists, and assisting the person as needed to manage the situation. If risk of harm to self or others is present, professional help must be sought immediately.

L: Listen nonjudgmentally. This step includes using basic priniciples of empathic listening without passing judgment on the person or their behavior.

G: Give reassurance and information. The reassurance provided includes both emotional support as well as practical information about possible resources and options for assistance.

E: Encourage appropriate professional help. Professional help is often a critically important component of a person’s overall recovery. It is important to offer information about treatment options and how to find competent providers.

E: Encourage self-help and other support strategies. Using effective self-help resources, engaging in peer support groups, and obtaining support from friends or family can all be extremely valuable parts of a well-developed personal recovery plan.

There are specific action plans provided with practical tips and strategies for using the ALGEE framework to manage each of the following specific situations:

  • Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
  • Non-suicidal self-injury
  • Panic attacks
  • Adults affected by traumatic events
  • Children affected by traumatic events
  • Acute psychosis
  • Medical emergency from alcohol abuse
  • Aggressive behavior

The class I attended addressed only adult mental health concerns, but there is also a Youth Mental Health First Aid course designed to teach adults how to help adolescents experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge or crisis. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, psychosis, disruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD), and eating disorders.

Mental Health First Aid is a worthwhile program to increase awareness about several mental health conditions and to provide a framework for action when faced with a potential or actual mental health crisis. To learn more about U.S. Mental Health First Aid, click here.

Copyright David Susman 2023

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