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Coming Out Of Lockdown

3 things you can do to help your transition from lockdown.

Here in the UK, we’re slowly, coming out of lockdown. For a lot of us, especially entrepreneurs, it’s been a year of adjusting to different ways of working, which hasn’t always been easy! As we now look at coming back out into the world again, that too is going to take some adjustment.

Whilst most of us may well be OK with this, for some, this is going to be a really stressful experience. But the good news is that there are some simple things you can do which should make this transition easier.

 Photo by Jeffery Erhunse - Unsplash
Focus on what you can control
Source: Photo by Jeffery Erhunse - Unsplash

Focus on what you can control

There are so many areas of our lives that are out of our control right now.

That is no different for mothers, couples, entrepreneurs, or world leaders. So first of all, know that you are not on your own in feeling overwhelmed.

Now as we’re slowly venturing out of lockdown is the time to really look at what you can directly influence, and what is not in your realms of control. Once you’re aware of this, you are taking the first steps to being more comfortable with what is going on around you.

Of course, this is often easier said than done, but we particularly like the tips from The Mental Health Foundation.

It may be easier for you to switch your focus to what you CAN control. What things can you do in your day that can support you and nourish you?

Take smaller steps

For a lot of us, the last 12 months have seen some of the biggest changes that we have had to make in our lives. To get through that is no small feat. But add to that, a lot of this change was something which we’d never have imagined we’d be doing, even if we had the choice! There is no wonder some of us may be nervous about going back to normal (whatever that normal means!)

There is going to be the temptation to rush back to being how we were before. That is OK if that is what you want to do.

But there is also something to be said about being gentle with yourself. But how do you do that?

Taking smaller steps, like having less on your daily to-do list, or just being more realistic in what you can do. For example, Zoom meetings back to back are not going to help you feel less stressed are they?

These small steps do not need to be permanent, it’s all a case about adjusting to a different routine again.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
Do activities you still love
Source: Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Keep doing the things that you now love

Many people started new hobbies in lockdown. As we start to come out into the world again, there is a temptation to try and get back to the life that we had before. Which for most of us will mean going back to the hustle and bustle and stepping back on the things that we’ve started to love doing.

There is something to be said for keeping this slower, more gentle pace of life which many of us have become used to.

For example, I’ve really loved coupling business calls with a walk. I get to keep on top of my work but also get some fresh air. This is not something that I am going to give up once the restrictions ease. It gets me out.

I appreciate that these three things may seem really quite small actions. But actually, if you look at what they can mean to your quality of life, they can add up to something really quite impactful. Never underestimate the impact of small changes, they can make the biggest difference in our lives as we slowly transition back to 'normal'.

More from Obehi Alofoje M.S.
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