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The Perils of Boasting

Where the bad luck began

"You're an inspiration to know that this can be conquered with some motivation and persistence."

"Congrats!!!!! 800 in verbal is awesome!! if only the SAT gods would be so merciful to me :O) "

"You are totally cracking me up! And making me a little less afraid to take the GRE."

"OMG're the coolest mom ever."

"Where most of the solutions to the SAT questions are rather simple and straight forward if you can get the "trick" to the question. I mention all this because the math is somewhat of a gift in that the ones who have math "insight" can see the trick and quickly answer the question. And getting a physics degree at Columbia doesn't necessary mean you have that gift. Part of what happened with my daughter is she started "seeing" the insights necessary to answer the questions."

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