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A Lens on Camera Collectors: Obsession and Passion

A range of characteristics contribute to the personality of camera collectors.

Key points

  • Photographers have older camera models they can no longer use. This is not a camera collection.
  • Bona fide collectors of old cameras are more rarified. They chase the best in antique camera equipment.
  • Curiosity, aesthetic appreciation, nostalgia, attention to detail, and a sense of community play a role.

Recently, I was asked to participate in a podcast for camera collectors. “How novel,” I thought. “How many can there be?

There is one right under my nose, my husband is the photographer in retirement. He involuntarily has older camera models he can no longer use and hasn’t sold. Others are surely like my husband—collectors by default. Joe Edelman, an award-winning photographer from Allentown, Pennsylvania, wrote me:

There is a common phrase among photographers called G.A.S., for gear acquisition syndrome. It refers to photographers who buy every new piece of gear that comes out with the thought that it will make their photography better. But it doesn't.

Many active photographers have a camera collection, whether intended or not.

Other collectors of old cameras are more rarified. They go after the antique; it doesn’t have to be sitting in their basement or storage area so they can enjoy the thrill of the chase when they pursue their treasures. Their society is called the Internet Directory of Camera Collectors. Though only 110 members list themselves publicly on this website, many more must not openly announce their collections (see below for two who do).

Though the personality traits of specific collecting groups are known, this is not true for camera collectors. Still, we can make some suppositions based on existing knowledge (Mueller, 2019).

Source: Frank Murmann Creative Commons. Wikimedia Commons
Polaroid Model 430, 1971
Source: Frank Murmann Creative Commons. Wikimedia Commons

First, camera collectors are intellectually curious. They are entranced by the mechanics, history, and evolution of photographic equipment. Curiosity drives them to learn about different camera models, their historical contexts, and the technological innovations they represent. Like all collectors, camera collectors often become amateur historians.

They also have a strong aesthetic appreciation, evidenced by their attraction to camera design, craftsmanship, and visual appeal. This aesthetic sense often extends to their photographic pursuits, where they use their cameras to create visually compelling images.

Nostalgia often plays a role. Many collectors are motivated by a desire to connect with the past, either their own or a more general historical period. Older cameras evoke memories of a bygone era, and possessing these items allows collectors to feel a tangible connection to history. This sentimentality often provides comfort and a sense of continuity in a rapidly changing world.

Attention to Detail. Collecting cameras requires meticulous attention. These collectors must be fastidious, from understanding the intricacies of different lens mounts to recognizing subtle differences between camera models. This trait is applied to care for their collections, which are often meticulously cataloged and maintained.

Social interaction and community camera collecting foster a strong sense of community. Collectors often engage with like-minded individuals through clubs, online forums, and social media groups. These interactions provide opportunities to share knowledge, trade items, and gain insights from others. The community aspect of collecting helps satisfy individuals' social needs, providing a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Patience and Persistence

The pursuit of rare and unique cameras requires patience and persistence. Collectors often spend years searching for specific models, and acquiring, restoring, and preserving these items can be time-consuming. This perseverance reflects a broader personality trait of determination and long-term commitment.


Camera collectors possess a unique blend of personality characteristics that reflect their deep passion for photographic equipment. Curiosity, aesthetic appreciation, nostalgia, attention to detail, and a sense of community all play a role in shaping the behavior and mindset of collectors. Through their dedication to preserving the history and art of photography, camera collectors contribute to a broader appreciation of the medium and its impact on society. In a world that often values the new and disposable.


Consumer Collecting Behaviour: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. International Joint Commission. 2021

Mueller, S.M., Inside the Head of a Collector: Neuropsychological Forces at Play, 2019. Lucia Marquard (Seattle).

Two camera collectors that do share their collections:

More from Shirley M. Mueller M.D.
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