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Jonathan Levy
Jonathan Levy

A Bad Reason to Avoid Vaccinations

Have a Kid? Here's A Bad Reason to Avoid Vaccinations

MSNBC reports that over 3000 students in Arkansas have not been vaccinated. The question I am asked most these days is about vaccinations and their possible correlation to autism.

Even though I've written about this study in the past, people bring it up so often that I feel duty-bound to address it again. This idea has gotten deep into the consciousness of parents.

Okay, here goes:

There definitely are good reasons to choose to have your child not get vaccinated. But one of the more popular reasons, 'There was a study on it that showed vaccines cause autism' is not one of those good reasons.

The only large study that ever found this has been retracted by the medical journal that published it. The researcher, Andrew Wakefield, has been accused of mnay untoward things.

It's fine to say no to vaccinations. Just do it for the right reasons.

About the Author
Jonathan Levy

Jonathan Levy has worked one-on-one with over 800 children with autism, ranging from the severely autistic to the mildest forms of Asperger's syndrome.

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