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An opposite view on those precepts

Hear from someone who took those sacred vows.

Reb with students I've just come across a totally different view from mine on the value of those precepts taken at Gaia House. This is an account in our local Zen group magazine, Dancing Mountains, by one of the four participants I wrote about. You can read it all here.
Reading this account I suffered all the same doubts and confused emotions as I did when watching the spectacle at the time. I hope this account from the other side may serve to balance things up a little.
You will also find in this newsletter some delightful cartoons about the burning house, and other ideas you'll now be familiar with, as well as a very funny account of one woman's half hour meditation session including sniffing, sneezing, worrying, and perfect 'non-seeking mind'.

And I am happy to say I have finally completed my consciousness book and as of next week will get back to the Ten Zen Questions!

More from Susan Blackmore Ph.D.
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