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Stephen Borgman
Stephen Borgman

Here Are 10 Great Autism Spectrum Quotes

A quote a day keeps fools away!

Quotes have a way of teaching us what lectures and speeches never could. I've spent some time collecting some of my favorite autism spectrum quotes to share with you.

In addition, the quotes give us specific advice and solutions about understanding and living with autism.

autism quotes

photo credit: Tigs by Lance Nielson on Flickr

Accentuate The Positives

Lynn Soraya is one of my favorite writers. You can find her blog, Asperger's Diary, right here on Psychology Today.

When living with a neurological condition (or with a loved one who has one), it can be very easy to focus on the challenges and limitations. But in my life, I have found that focusing on abilities, finding new ways to adapt, have been crucial to my successes in life. Seeking those solutions can even be seen as a form of creativity.

Although, like anyone, I have my moments of discouragement, I've learned to use my challenges to push me forward. I believe what Dr. Sacks says is very important. There is much more to a life on the spectrum than just deficiencies and deficits, and those "deficiencies and deficits" can very well be strengths in certain circumstances.

On The Importance of NT Empathy for Aspies

Rudy Simone is another one of my favorite friends on the autism spectrum. Her blog, Aspergirls, can also be found here on Psychology Today.

Imagine a world where Aspergers was the norm, and non-autistics or neurotypicals were the minority. Let's try it: Those who feel the need to constantly be with a variety of friends are considered fickle. Those with no propensity for computers and science are called geeks. Those with no special interest are thought to be ungrounded and lost. Those without obsessive focus have to take classes to cultivate it.

Appreciating the Autism Spectrum

Mommy Dearest from The Quirk Factor: Resistance is Futile, shares this quote (as found on Odd One Out blog)

Autism (with a capital “A”) to me, says that I accept my child wholly. I celebrate his differences and his quirky-ness. I advocate diversity. I try to empower him. I am proud of his successes, no matter how small they seem. I hope he holds onto the compassion he has in his heart into adulthood. I do not think he needs “fixing”. I am proud that he is my son, and sometimes I am humbled by that very same thought.

Positive Aspects of the Autism Spectrum

A member at WrongPlanet shared these three great quotes:

"I see people with Asperger's syndrome as a bright thread in the rich tapestry of life" - Tony Attwood.

"It seems that for success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential" Hans Asperger.

"Nobel prize-calibre geniuses often have certain core autistic features at their heart" Allan Snyder, director of Sydney University's Centre for the Mind.

I found this great quote at Circle of Moms blog, and they credited CafePress for this fantastic acrostic:


On the Benefits of Diagnosis

Being diagnosed for any difference, it's not about the labelno one need know, it's about true identity. - Alyson Bradley (from

On the "Differences" Between 'High' and 'Low' Functioning Autism

"The difference between high-functioning and low-functioning is that high-functioning means your deficits are ignored, and low- functioning means your assets are ignored." Laura Tisoncik (from Circle of Moms blog)

A Word of Advice to Parents and Loved Ones

This great quote comes from Ellen Notbohm, author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew:

Patience. Patience. Patience. Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me. It may be true that I’m not good at eye contact or conversation, but have you noticed that I don’t lie, cheat at games, tattle on my classmates or pass judgment on other people? Also true that I probably won’t be the next Michael Jordan. But with my attention to fine detail and capacity for extraordinary focus, I might be the next Einstein. Or Mozart. Or Van Gogh.

There they are: my top 10 autism spectrum quotes. I know I've left some out. What are some of your favorite ones?

About the Author
Stephen Borgman

Stephen Borgman is a psychotherapist who frequently works with neurodiverse children and adults.

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