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The Social Brain and Its Superpowers

Why our brain has evolved to be profoundly social in unexpected ways

I’ve spent the past five years writing the book “Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect” and today is the official release date. This book is the story of how our sociality is no accident, no secondary consequence of having a big brain. Evolution has made bets again and again that making us more social, more connected to and dependent on the social world is the best way to help us thrive as a species. I consider these evolutionary changes to be social superpowers, even though they often don’t look like superpowers when they are first identified. Understanding your social brain can make you smarter, happier, & more productive.

To introduce you to some of the ideas in the book I wanted to share a TEDx talk I gave a few weeks ago in the great city of St. Louis.

Matthew Lieberman's new book "SOCIAL: Why our brains are wired to connect" arrives in stores October 8 and is available now from Amazon. For more, follow Matt on twitter @social_brains

Matthew Lieberman's new book "SOCIAL: Why our brains are wired to connect" arrives in stores October 8 and is available now from Amazon. For more, follow Matt on twitter @social_brains

More from Matthew D. Lieberman Ph.D.
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