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50 Ways You Can Be Brave Today

Simple ways to get your brave on

Sometimes the biggest act of courage is a small one. ~Lauren Raffo

Bravery isn't only about heroic acts in unusual situations. It can also be as simple as the risk of trying something new. Here are 50 ideas to get you started.

Allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling.

Let go of people who continually let you down.

Look at yourself in the mirror with kindness.

Tell someone you love him/her.

Preach what’s in your heart.

Write your own story.

Share your thoughts.

Share your opinions.

Don't wear make up.

Risk being wrong.

Try something for the first time.

Trust your instincts.

Set boundaries.

Put pen to paper.

Sing a song.


Play the ukulele.

Try Roller Derby.

Tolerate discomfort.

(bravery doesn’t always feel good)

Make a mistake.

Follow your heart.

Say, “I don’t know.”

Ask for help.

Share your vulnerabilty.

Face your problems.

Let the past be the past.

Allow yourself to be in a photo.

Take a picture of yourself.

Trust your ideas, even the crazy ones.

Stand up for someone who is being picked on.

Leave an abusive relationship.

Say goodbye to your gremlins.

Be your own beloved.

Stand up against any kind of prejudice.

Say no to the things you don't want.

Say yes to the things you want.

Wear something ridiculous just because you like it.

Be the first person to reach out after a conflict.

Give a stranger a flower.

Ask someone how they are, and really listen.

Let go of your need to control everything.

Embrace your weirdness.

Don’t react to criticism.

Give someone a hug.

Give yourself a hug.

Say kind things to yourself.

Invite feedback.

Let go of being busy all the time.

Be open to changing courses.

Remember, bravery is not the absence of fear.

Begin again.

Watch this Brave lyric video by Sara Bareilles. It's so good!

What about you? How have you been brave today?

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Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you 
from doing all the things in life
 you’d like to.

–Ask, by The Smiths (Read how we named our blog.)

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I am the co-author of Dying of Embarrassment, Painfully Shy, and Nurturing the Shy Child. Dying of Embarrassment: Help for Social Anxiety & Phobia was found to be one of the most useful and scientifically grounded self-help books in a research study published in Professional Psychology, Research and Practice. I’ve also been featured in the award-winning PBS documentary, Afraid of People.

Photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography, Flickr, CC

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