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The Diane Rehm Show (NPR) Takes On Shyness and Social Anxiety...

The upsides of shyness and introversion...on NPR

...and I was one of the panelists. It was a wonderful experience. Diane Rehm is a kind of national icon, and it was an honor to be in the same room with her, speaking into gigantic microphones on a subject I care about deeply. My only frustration was that we were barely able to scratch the surface in the hour-long program -- it really would have required a full day to do it right! There was time, though, to touch on a few things that are important to me, including the difference between shyness and introversion, the evolutionary basis of these personality traits, and the powers of the quiet.

The other guests were evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson (whose fascinating work I wrote about in my New York Times article and in my book); psychiatry professor Dr. Liza Gold; and psychology professor (and author of the book, Curious) Todd Kashdan.

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