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Want to Participate in the Quiet Revolution? Here's How

Here's to the Quiet Revolution -- be your best (introverted) self.

What would it look like if we could really make our culture more balanced between action and contemplation, between introverts and extroverts? What if we started in our own lives? What if we did it TODAY?

I propose that readers of this site work together to make concrete changes in our personal lives -- changes that will enable us to live more productively and also more authentically.

For example: long-time readers of this blog know that this is my Year of Speaking Dangerously -- in which I'll train to become the best and bravest speaker I can be. I'm doing this because the better I speak, the more I can advance my ideas, especially once my book comes out in January. I've done plenty of speaking before, but this year I'm focused on communicating in a style that's authentic to my personality. Therefore my role model is not, say, Tony Robbins (a hyper-kinetic, extroverted speaker) but Malcolm Gladwell (who is introverted, cerebral, and famously powerful at the podium.)

Are you also interested in becoming a a more genuine and effective speaker? Would you like to work on this together?

If the answer is yes, I'll ask you to join your local Toastmasters club (I'll supply more info in future posts) and share your progress and stumbling blocks here. We'll also use this site to share ideas, tips, and strategies, and to invite expert guests to share their expertise. (You don't have to be a practiced speaker to participate; this project should be especially helpful for people who are scared stiff of the podium.)

But this public speaking project is only the beginning. There are many other personal, yet world-changing, projects we could launch from this site -- for example:

--Becoming the best parent you can be to your introverted or sensitive child.

--Leading your organization in a quietly effective way.

--Writing the story, novel, op-ed, etc. that you've always wanted to.

More details to come. For now, I'd appreciate if you'd answer a few questions:

1. Does the general idea -- of concrete projects that we undertake together, in real time -- appeal to you?

2. Of the projects listed above (public speaking, parenting, leadership, and writing) which, if any, interest you?

3. Are there any *other* joint projects you'd like to see this website launch, ideas that I haven't mentioned above?

If you like the general idea of joint projects, please take the time to comment, either below or via a personal note to me. The more feedback I get, the better I can design this to suit your needs. Thank you!

If you like this blog, you might like to pre-order my forthcoming book, QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.

Also, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. Get blog updates, plus a chance to win a half-hour coaching phone session with me. (Periodic drawings.)

For earlier posts on the Power of Introverts, please visit my website here.

Want to join the QUIET Online Book Club, for thoughtful, cerebral people? Please go here.

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