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3 New Books That Every Leader Should Read

Here are some fresh new books for increasing confidence and becoming a leader.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies ... The man who never reads lives only one.” —George R.R. Martin

During 2020, we've experienced a lot of highs and lows. Adapting to change is incredibly important right now, as is handling stress and uncertainty. Leadership is also incredibly needed right now. These three new books will help you become a better leader, both for yourself and for others.

1. Mentor to Millions: Secrets of Success in Business, Relationships, and Beyond

This new book is written by Kevin Harrington (one of the original "sharks" from the TV show, Shark Tank) and his partner, Mark Timm, a serial entrepreneur. I found the book to be highly practical and insightful. The core premise of the book is that in order to achieve anything in life, you need mentors. This idea mirrors the Self-Expansion Model, which explains that our "efficacy" as people is based on the "resources" we have to put toward our goals, resources which we get through relationships.

2. Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius

Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman are at it again. They are the co-authors of several other books on Stoic philosophy, including The Daily Stoic and The Daily Stoic Journal. Their new book walks you through the lives of 26 important, historical men and women. The stories and ideas from this book are useful to any leader or person trying to better regulate their emotions, overcome setbacks, and live an intentional life.

3. Stress-Free Money: Overcome These Seven Obstacles to Find Financial Freedom

Research shows that most Millennials have less than an $8,000 net worth. Moreover, many Millennials have thousands of dollars in student loan debt, fear making big financial decisions, like buying a house or investing, and many are living with their parents much longer than former generations. Every single person, especially in these times, needs to become financially literate. I found Willardson's Stress-Free Money to be incredibly practical and helpful. After reading this book, I set up an automated investment account and am putting other important pieces in place for my financial plan.


“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” —Harry Truman

These three books provide useful insights for anyone who leads others or even themselves. The better we become at getting mentors, managing our money, and learning from those who have become us—the better we will become. 2020 is an important year for all of us to become better learners and leaders.


Aron, A., & Aron, E. N. (1997). Self-expansion motivation and including other in the self.

Aron, A., Norman, C. C., & Aron, E. N. (1998). The self-expansion model and motivation. Representative Research in Social Psychology.

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