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Dating During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Exploring the topic of finding love and companionship during a pandemic.

 Engin Akyurt/Pixabay
Source: Engin Akyurt/Pixabay

February is known as the month of love! While many couples celebrate romantic love on Valentine’s Day with flowers, candy, and other symbols, many singles cringe at facing Valentine’s Day without having that special someone with whom they can share the day. These singles may even feel left out, looked over, and forgotten in the game of love. And with the pandemic continuing to rage on, singles may be feeling an extra degree of loneliness as they continue sheltering in place and keeping socially distant from loved ones to protect themselves and others from coronavirus infection.

Desiring partnership and companionship is a natural human phenomenon. Finding love seems to come so easy for some, while many others have difficulty attracting and creating lasting love. It’s perfectly understandable for singles to get frustrated if they are not having much success on the dating scene. And with fewer social events happening during the COVID-19 pandemic and implementation of safety measures such as social distancing and having to wear a mask in public covering the face, the idea of finding new love seems like an even more daunting challenge than ever before.

Despite these challenges, we know of many couples who have established new relationships during the pandemic. We want to encourage singles to be hopeful and optimistic if love and companionship is something that they desire. Here are some healthy tips on dating and attracting romantic love during the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Fall in love with yourself: Make peace with yourself. Forgive yourself. Celebrate yourself. Find yourself. Ensure that you honor and respect yourself in every aspect of your life. Engage in self-care activities.

Become enamored with who you are and affirm the unique qualities that make you, you. As you demonstrate to yourself how valuable you are, you will naturally emit conscious and unconscious signals to those who cross your path that will make you more attractive to potential partners.

2. Enlist the help of others: Let trusted people in your social circle know that you are interested in being in a healthy, stable, monogamous relationship. Encourage them to introduce you to others with whom you may be compatible. Share your likes and dislikes, your preferences, and showstoppers so they can keep that in mind as they survey the list of singles in their own circle.

3. Explore the merits of virtual dating: Virtual dates have become all the rage during the time of coronavirus. So much in life is happening over video conferencing platforming these days—school, work, worship, family gatherings, baby showers… why not add dating onto the list? Video dating is convenient, safe, and fun. It is a great way to get to know someone while staying socially distant.

4. Be open to reconnecting with old flames: Some people believe that if it didn’t work out the first time, it won’t work later on, but that isn’t necessarily true for everyone. Timing is important.

During the pandemic, which is also known as “The Great Pause,” many have had an opportunity to slow down and smell the proverbial roses. This time to reflect on what’s most important in life has allowed us to reconnect with long-lost friends, mend fences with loved ones, and reestablish connections with former love interests.

Whether single or partnered (or somewhere in between), we hope that everyone has a safe and healthy Valentine’s Day. Know that you are worthy of being loved just by virtue of being alive. Find ways this month to spread love wherever you go. The world certainly needs it during these times.

More from Carlin Barnes, MD and Marketa Wills, MD, MBA
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