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How to Keep Your Eye on the Prize Throughout the Year

Improve your chances of success by being all you can be in 2024.

Key points

  • The majority of us give up pursuing New Year’s goals in January.
  • In 2024, you can create one word that embodies the values you want to cultivate for the year.
  • Documenting goals creates a sense of commitment and motivates follow-through.
Ljupco Smokovski / Adobe Stock
Source: Ljupco Smokovski / Adobe Stock

We all know that empty feeling when we realize that our New Year's resolutions have bitten the dust and we are no longer living up to our expectations. By most estimates, the majority of us give up pursuing our New Year's goals somewhere in January. When the going gets tough, too many of us appear to lack the intestinal fortitude needed to persevere in our quest for the "prize."

But, instead of resigning ourselves to failure again this year, why not flip the script?

Here are three ideas that I use in my leadership coaching practice to help clients keep their eye on the prize throughout the year:

1. Create an Annual Goals List. Keeping an annual goals list can be a helpful tool for improving your chances of sticking to your resolutions. Building the list helps you clarify what you want to achieve. It provides a clear direction and focus for your efforts.

Indeed, the simple act of writing down your goals creates a sense of accountability. You're more likely to follow through on your commitments when you've documented them. When you regularly review and reflect on your list of goals (i.e., I recommend that you do this daily for the first month to get over the "this is too tough to do hump" and weekly after that), you gain valuable insights into what's working and what requires more attention.

Additionally, goal-setting encourages you to develop a plan to reach your objectives. This planning process involves breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, making them more achievable. Tracking progress and celebrating all the small victories that occur along the way serves to motivate, as well.

2. Build a Vision Board. Visualizing your goals enhances inspiration. So, use your goals list to fashion a vision board using images and quotes that represent your aspirations. Place it in a visible location to serve as a daily reminder.

Be sure that your vision board focuses on "the why." The images you choose should remind you why your goals are important to you. Be sure to connect the images and quotes with the underlying reasons and values that drive your aspirations. The deeper the connection, the more it will inspire.

Further, when you see your vision board each day, take it as a cue to dedicate some time to visualize yourself successfully achieving your goals. Imagine the positive outcomes and the impact it will have on your life. Regular visualization reinforces your belief in your ability to succeed.

3. Designate a "Word of the Year." This can be a powerful and motivational tool to drive behavioral change. Your word of the year reminds you of the values or qualities you want to embody. It sets a positive tone for the year and can be a touchstone to bring you back to your core intentions.

Further, your word of the year can act as a mindfulness trigger. When faced with decisions or challenges, recalling your chosen word can help you pause, reflect, and make choices that align with your desired behavioral changes.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of designating a word of the year lies in your commitment to embodying its meaning and integrating it into your daily life. Regular reflection on the word and its application in various aspects of your life can reinforce the motivational impact and contribute to lasting change and personal growth.

To close, regardless of the tools you choose, it's essential to stay inspired. Besides the ideas offered here, be sure to surround yourself with inspiration. Read books, listen to podcasts, and connect with individuals who have achieved similar goals. Learning from others' experiences can fuel your ambition.

Above all else, remember that motivation can ebb and flow, and it's normal to face periods of low motivation. During these times, revisit your goals, reflect on your progress, and consider whether any adjustments are needed to reignite your enthusiasm.

As the poem Keep Going offers: "When care is pressing you down a bit—rest if you must, but don't you quit."

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