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Before You Vote

Take a hard look at yourself and the candidate's values, beliefs, and behavior.

Before you vote, take a hard look at yourself, your values, and the values of those you will be voting for. The two should be very similar, because who you vote for should reflect your values and reflect who you are.

  • Do you value free speech? Do they?
  • Do you value freedom of the press? Do they?
  • Do you value freedom of assembly and protest? Do they?
  • Do you value fair play? Do they?
  • Do you value equal treatment under the law? Do they?
  • Do you value treating all people with respect? Do they?
  • Do you value honesty and transparency? Do they?

Your values are important. They define in large part who you are. You should act on your values and they should act on theirs. Who you vote for and support this fall should reflect your values.

Your beliefs are also important. They define much of who you are and are reflected in the people you vote for. Before you vote, take a hard look at yourself and the person you're voting for. Do they share your beliefs? They should. Who we vote for reflects what we believe.

  • Do you believe that all people are created equal? Do they?
  • Do you believe that people have a right to disagree and to express their disagreement in lawful and nonviolent ways? Do they?
  • Do you believe people should be honest and not lie especially politicians? Do they?
  • Do you believe that people should trust what politicians say and commit to? Do they?
  • Do you believe all people regardless of creed or color should be treated fairly and receive equal treatment under the law? Do they?
  • Do you believe that all people in America have a right to their life, their liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Do they?
  • Do you believe everyone should be treated with respect? Do they?

Before you vote, also take a hard look at your behavior and the behavior of the people you will be voting for. How does your behavior and there's align with your values and beliefs?

  • Do you treat people fairly? Do they?
  • Are you honest and truthful? Are they?
  • Do you treat people with respect? Do they?
  • Do you lie and distort the truth? Do they?
  • Do you take criticism well? Do they?
  • Do you treat people equally? Do they?
  • Do you often act as if the end justifies the means? Do they?
  • Are you willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goal? Will they?
  • Do you behave frequently as if everyone is basically bad or wrong? Do they?

Your behavior and theirs should be similar. How you behave defines who you are, even more than what you say your values or your beliefs are. Actions speak louder than words. Look at the behavior of the person you're voting for. How they will behave once elected will have a major impact on your life and the lives of those you care about.

Now go out and vote!

More from Ron Breazeale Ph.D.
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