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Eating Disorders

How Is COVID-19 Affecting People With Eating Disorders?

You are invited to take a brief survey to help us understand.

As someone with an eating disorder anywhere in the world, you are likely facing specific challenges stemming from changes in your everyday life related to COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our lives have been affected in ways we could never have predicted—from not being able to meet with our healthcare providers in person, to not being able to access the foods that are central to recovery and well-being, to the loss of loved ones.

Anna Shvets/Pexels
People living with eating disorders are facing many challenges
Source: Anna Shvets/Pexels

In order to understand how COVID-19 is affecting your recovery, we have developed a survey that will help us gather information from thousands of people like you who are trying to figure out how to manage their eating disorder during this complicated and stressful time. Whether you are doing well and have established your “new normal” or if you are truly struggling with how to navigate the pandemic, we want to hear from you. Our goal is to compile this information as quickly as possible so that we can post recommendations and also feed this information back to healthcare providers who are offering support and sessions for individuals with eating disorders via telemedicine.

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and we hope to follow up in the coming months to see how you are faring as the situation evolves.

If you are interested, you can access the consent form and the survey link here: If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to the research team via email at

This study is overseen by the Institutional Review Board at the University of North Carolina (IRB study number 20-0964).

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