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How Teen Dating Violence Differs Between Boys and Girls

An infographic, based on a recent paper, examines TDV types by sex.

Teen dating violence (TDV), sometimes called adolescent dating abuse, is unfortunately common among adolescents. In a recently published paper, we found that as many as 1 in 3 adolescents are involved with TDV as both victim and perpetrator. This finding suggests that adolescents experience TDV in complicated ways and learning healthy communication can be beneficial for both sexes.

To learn more about how TDV differs between boys and girls, check out our new infographic:

Source: Center for Innovative Public Health Research

This infographic is based on our publication: Ybarra ML, Espelage DL, Langhinrichsen-Rohling J, Korchmaros JD, boyd d. Lifetime prevalence rates and overlap of physical, psychological, and sexual dating abuse perpetration and victimization in a national sample of youth. Arch Sex Behav. Published online April 20, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10508-016-0748-9.

Learn more about our research at Center for Innovative Public Health Research.

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Acknowledgments: Thank you to Emilie Chen for her contributions to this blog.

More from Michele Ybarra MPH, Ph.D.
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