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Stories of Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets

Loving, healing, and uplifting experiences from readers’ dreams.

“Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking.”

―Black Elk

A few years ago, I posted "How Dreams of Deceased Pets Affect the Dreamers." The piece became and continues to be one of my posts with the strongest response. Many readers shared their own visitation dream experiences with their beloved pets that have passed. These stories, which are often sad, loving, healing, and uplifting at the same time, attest to the power of human-animal connection.

Source: Lolpolo/Shutterstock

In examining the reader testimonials, certain striking similarities emerge. Here are five characteristics of visitation dreams of deceased pets, with references from my book How to Interpret & Re-Experience Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets. Many readers have reported at least one, and often several of the patterns below about their dreams.

1. The dreamer is often struck by the vivid, realistic quality of the visitation dream.

“My god it was so real.”


“Her fur felt so real and soft.”


One of the most frequent characterizations of visitation dreams of deceased pets is that they appear much more vivid and lucid than normal dreams, with an intense and kinetic “felt-sense” connecting the dreamer with their pet. Many readers commented on how “real” the dream felt to them. Frequently the dreamer would awaken with strong emotions (i.e., love, tenderness, sadness, relief, gratitude). The positive experience may stay with the dreamer “as if it only happened yesterday” for months or even years afterward.

2. The deceased pet often appeared young and healthy.

“My girl came to me full of life, love and happiness.”


“(My dog) was completely healed.”


In many visitation dreams, the deceased pets appeared not in their afflicted or stricken states toward the end of their lives. Instead, they are young, energetic, and healthy. The pets would play and interact with their owners in the dream.

3. The deceased pet communicated with the dreamer telepathically and lovingly.

“I felt a wonderful wave of love and comfort from his presence.”


“I just felt wrapped in love.”


“She made me feel calm…”


“I don’t need to be so sad anymore.”


During the dreams, the deceased pets often relayed messages and feelings telepathically, conveying comfort and reassurance. The deceased pet may lovingly impart to their owners that they’re OK and that the owners will be okay, too. Many readers reported that these messages facilitated their grieving and healing process. Other readers noted that the messages helped them better handle challenges in their lives.

4. Some visitation dreamers reported what may be characterized as “supernatural” experiences.

Intriguingly, a number of visitation dreams included themes that may arguably be described as “supernatural” or “spiritual.” Below are a few examples. Whether one believes in these dreams or not, there’s no denying the powerful impact they had on the dreamer:

  • A reader reported a vivid dream about her dog the moment it accidentally died while staying with a relative in another part of the country.
  • After her cat passed away, a reader had a premonition dream about a kitten showing up in her life, which happened later the same way in reality.
  • One reader reported their young child having a dream of their family dog “returning home to visit” the same night the dog was put to sleep.
  • A reader reported being lovingly kissed by her deceased dog in a dream and woke up with her face moist and the room smelling like the puppy.
  • One reader described her deceased dog leading her to a place of higher knowledge, where she learned from a wise and insightful guide.

5. Some dreamers ponder the profound implications of their visitation dreams.

“(The dream) shocked me beyond words...”


After experiencing their visitation dreams, a few readers began contemplating questions about the nature of life and consciousness including the unique connection between human-animal consciousness. One reader, a self-professed “non-believer,” admitted that the visitation dream opened his mind to new possibilities of existence, both in waking life and beyond.

Although currently there are few scientific studies on the subject of visitation dreams of the deceased and visitation dreams of deceased pets in particular. It is hoped that more research will be conducted on this interesting aspect of the dream phenomenon, with potentially significant implications for the grieving experience, the healing process, and psychological and spiritual well-being.

Have you experienced a visitation dream of a deceased pet? Please share in the comment section.

For tips on how to interpret and re-connect with visitation dreams, see references below.

© 2020 by Preston C. Ni. All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright violation may subject the violator to legal prosecution.


Ni, Preston. How to Interpret & Re-Experience Visitation Dreams of Deceased Pets. PNCC. (2020)

Ni, Preston. How to Interpret Your Dreams: Keys to Insight & Empowerment. PNCC. (2020)

Ni, Preston. Visitation Dreams of Deceased Loved Ones: Understanding Their Meaning and Transformative Power. PNCC. (2016)

Garfield, Patricia. Dreams in Bereavement. From the Anthology Trauma and Dreams. Harvard University Press (2001)

Krippner, Stanley & Faith, Laura. Exotic Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Study Dreaming: Journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams. (2001)

Shorter, Jennifer E. Visitation Dreams in Grieving Individuals: A Phenomenological Inquiry Into the Relationship Between Dreams and the Grieving Process. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. (2010)

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