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Me Too and Misogyny

The current focus on gender-based violence is a good start.

Josephine Ensign
Source: Josephine Ensign

Kudos to rad woman Tarana Burke who started the #MeToo movement that is helping bring to light (and to the town square) the rampant sexual violence especially against women and girls in our country (although boys and LGBTQ folks are also highly affected). I am all for thorough investigation/corroboration of claims of sexual violence—which is what has happened in the vast majority of recent cases. Being an 'out' woman with a history of sexual abuse/assault, it is heartening to find the cultural tide beginning to shift on this topic. More women and other marginalized people are feeling empowered to speak up about their experiences and are (mostly) being supported in speaking their truths. Of course, there will always be the narrow-minded, misogynistic folks (mostly men) who will be quick to dismiss these claims as "yet another case of women lying" or "recovered memories" or any of the other lame excuses they can come up with. As Ms. Burke reminds us, this movement is about amplifying (and supporting) the voices of victims of sexual violence. Misogyny is very much alive and un-well in our country.

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