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For Therapists - Survey Results

For Therapists - Survey Results


Last month in our newsletter, we asked you about yourselves--how you felt about your jobs, your clients, and your private lives. Now that the results are in, I'd love to share them with you and your fellow therapists. Here's what we found out:

We discovered that most of you find your work fulfilling, and that you particularly value the opportunity to set your own schedule and to see tangible improvements in the lives of clients. Dealing with insurance companies, you made very clear, is the worst part of the job. For the most part, you feel appreciated. Being a therapist even helps you navigate your own relationships--though in social situations, people tend to treat you differently once they find out what you do.

And then there were the questions we should have asked, but didn't. Some of my favorites:
- Do you find it difficult to market your practice? Do you wish there was more help for setting up, operating, including marketing, your practice?
- What profile information do you hear that clients most appreciate when searching for a therapist?
- How many hours do you work in private practice and do you have another job?

If you'd like do to see the results in more detail, you can do so by going to You can see not only the general trends, but also the full range of responses to individual questions from your fellow therapists. Such are the wonders of the modern age!

Finally, I'd like to turn the floor over to you. What do you make of these responses? We'd love to hear your thoughts below.

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