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Gabriela Cora, M.D., M.B.A.
Gabriela Cora M.D., M.B.A.

Are women leaders better at concealing affairs?

Do women care more about their loved ones than men?

It was surreal. Spitzer discussing Weiner's faux pas while claiming mea culpa for his own sexual transgressions on CNN. Schwarzenegger admits to fathering a child after a decade, all while Edwards denies fathering a daughter and using campaign funds to cover it all up.

While we grab our heads when listening to the stories behind the Clinton, Woods, and whatever other scandal, we can't but say: "What were they thinking?" Aside from the obvious arrogance and blindness probably caused by the increased surge of testosterone, where does the bravado to believe that they wouldn't get caught come from? Did they see it coming or did they truly believe their indiscretion would go unnoticed?

How about women?

Although women may be catching up, are women in power less likely to have affairs? Or are they more discreet about it? Do they lie better about it? Or do they orchestrate a better way to avoid being caught?

If most infringing parties claim to lie to protect their loved ones - does this mean women care more about their loved ones than their male counterparts?

About the Author
Gabriela Cora, M.D., M.B.A.

Gabriela Cora, M.D., M.B.A., hosts Dr. Gaby's Take: Make Life Interesting. She’s a medical doctor with a master's in business administration.

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