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Java Delight

Coffee addicts: Rejoice! Read on

The caffeine debate rages on in the world of warm beverages, as
doctors try to answer once and for all if coffee is good or bad for your
health. Coffee advocates have a new study, released on November 9 in the
UK medical journal
The Lancet, that finds that drinking coffee can
significantly lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes accounts
for 90 percent of all diabetes cases in America.

The study results indicate that people who drink up to seven cups
of coffee a day are 50 percent less likely to develop this type of
diabetes than are those who drink two or less cups a day. Researchers
also took into account body fat ratio and cigarette and alcohol
consumption in order to make a fair comparison of coffee drinkers.

Despite these promising findings for java lovers, the authors warn
there are drawbacks to those considering an extra trip to the coffee pot.
"The possible adverse effect on other health aspects should be considered
in the choice to consume coffee."