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Crisis Countdown

Looks at the percentage increase in risk of depression after a stressful experience. Includes death of a close relative; Assault; Serious marital problem.

Watching your marriage crumble or getting the ax at work is bad enough. Butthere's also the potential for nasty psychological falbe out—your risk of depression soars after a stressful experience.

Hoping to sort out the interplay of genes and the environment in depression, researchers at the Medical College of Virginia studied more than a thousand pairs of female twins. While they found evidence for genetic susceptibility, stressful life events posed a far greater danger. Here's how the likelihood of depression rises following common traumatic incidents.

Event Increase in Risk of Depression

Death of close relative 1,500%

Assault 1,400

Serious marital problem 1,130

Divorce/breakup 1,130

Serious trouble getting along with close relative 740

Job loss 580

Serious illness of close relative 390

Loss of confidante 390

Serious illness 330

Major financial problem 150

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): Watching your marriage crumble or getting the ax at work is bad enough