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What can a sex therapist help with?

Sex therapists can help both individuals and couples who have sexual problems such as premature ejaculation as well as relationship problems that interfere with their sexual activity, such as conflict over porn use. Common problems that sex therapists treat include erectile dysfunction, difficulty achieving orgasm, and painful intercourse. They are frequently called on to help those who experienced sexual abuse or trauma in their past. Sex therapists are also commonly called on to help couples who experience different levels of sexual desire.

How do therapists treat sex problems?

Sex therapy is a variation of talk therapy. Sex therapists frequently help couples resolve relationship problems that interfere with intimacy. One major task is to help couples learn how to communicate their sexual desires and interests to each other. In addition to talk therapy, therapists make use of behavioural strategies, typically assigning patients intimacy-building exercises to engage in between clinical visits.

Who is a qualified sex therapist?

Sex therapists are licensed mental health professionals—holding a master’s or doctoral degree in medicine, nursing, psychology, counselling, social work, or marriage and family therapy—who have additional academic education and clinical training in human sexuality, reproductive physiology, relationship dynamics, and more.

How do I recognise a good sex therapist?

A good sex therapist will be willing to answer any questions you have about sex therapy and address concerns to your satisfaction. A good sex therapist also will have experience treating problems such as yours, and it is advisable to ask whether they do. A strong alliance and sense of trust is needed for all types of therapy, but it may be especially important given the discussions about intimate matters that often occur during sex therapy.