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Miriam Kirmayer Ph.D.


Miriam Kirmayer, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist, writer, speaker, and relationship expert who has spent the better part of the last decade researching young adult friendships. Her work focuses on helping others navigate life transitions, embrace self-compassion, and build stronger relationships with the people who matter most. Her words and advice have appeared in outlets such as The Atlantic, CNN, Forbes, The New York Times, TIME, The TODAY Show, and Vogue. She is a featured expert for Women’s Health “Ask Anything” series and a frequent guest on television shows and podcasts. As a speaker and consultant, Kirmayer partners with businesses and organizations on a variety of initiatives and events related to social connection and well-being. Whether she’s working one-on-one with clients, leading a keynote or workshop, or sharing the science of connection and compassion, her goal is to help others create meaningful relationships and fulfilling lives.

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