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Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo


Laura Berger and Glen Tibaldeo are authors of Radical Sabbatical: A Hilarious Journey from a Stifling Rut to a Life Without Boundaries and Fall in Love Again Every Day: Three Steps to True Connection for Any Couple.

Laura and Glen have appeared on ABC News, The Dr. Oz Show with Deepak Chopra, CNBC, Redbook, Self magazine, The Miami Herald and radio stations across the country. They chucked their high-paying corporate American jobs for the jungles of Costa Rica to bring some spice back into their life and their marriage. Surrounded by natural beauty, they used the communication technique in Fall In Love Again Every Day to create the connection of a lifetime in the midst of boundless chaos and wonder. Radical Sabbatical is the spellbinding, funny, and surprising story about Laura and Glen’s—thirty-somethings, dreamers, and stressed-out cubicle dwellers—radical sabbatical to the jungle. This experience had profound effects on their life perspective. The book has been described by Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize winning humorist as "the funniest book I've ever held in my hands" and by actot Doua Moua of "Grand Torino" as "a couple's Eat Pray Love meets The Hangover."

Determined to live life on their own terms, Laura and Glen now run Berdeo Group, LLC, a boutique leadership development and project management consulting firm. They succeeded in creating an entrepreneurial business to comfortably work from anywhere in the world.

Laura and Glen have presented to leaders at Aon Hewitt, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Leo Burnett Worldwide, American Hospital Association, Starcom MediaVest Group, The Walt Disney World Company, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. As speakers in high demand, their talks about "Life and Leadership Lessons from the Jungle," “Intrepid Leadership,” “Rappelling the Canyons of Your Career” and related topics are always memorable delights.

They live in Fort Lauderdale, FL with their two cats, Skippy and Rugby, and their dog, Frankie.

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