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Joanna Pozzulo Ph.D.


Joanna Pozzulo, Ph.D., is a Chancellor’s Professor in the Department of Psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. The primary goal of her research is to understand how memory in the context of witnessing crime differs across the lifespan focusing on the young eyewitness. On an applied level, she is interested in developing age-appropriate identification procedures that police can use with eyewitnesses to reduce the likelihood of wrongful conviction. Also, within an eyewitness context, she examines factors that influence the recall and identification accuracy of “familiar-strangers." Relatedly, she is interested in non-judicial factors that influence juror decision-making within a context of sexual assault. She is the Director of the Laboratory for Child Forensic Psychology.

As a secondary line of research, she is interested in the education of well-being and program evaluation as it relates to improving everyday life. She is the Director of the Mental Health and Well-Being Research and Training Hub (MeWeRTH).

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