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The 12 Days of Christmas AKA Holiday Pressure

Don't let pressure ruin your holidays

Forget about the pressure of giving a big presentation, an important sales call or having a crucial conversation. That's child's play pressure compared to the pressure we are under at Christmas.

You know the tune so sing it and have a laugh.

On the first day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

Go out and get a bigger tree!

On the second day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the third day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the fourth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the fifth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the sixth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the seventh day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the eighth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

8 calls to make

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the ninth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

9 plates to clean

8 calls to make

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the tenth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

10 thank you notes

9 plates to clean

8 calls to make

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the eleventh day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

11 gift returns

10 thank you notes

9 plates to clean

8 calls to make

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And go out and get a bigger tree!

On the twelfth day of Christmas

My true love pressured me

Take down the dam tree

11 gift returns

10 thank you notes

9 plates to clean

8 calls to make

7 gifts to wrap

6 fruit cakes

5 hour drive

4 Cousins visit

3 rooms to clean

2 pairs of earrings

And I jumped on Sant's sled to flee!"!

Don’t less pressure ruin your holidays. Just choose to see them as an opportunity to have fun, express love, be thankful and be happy ---you deserve it. If you are with your loved ones, feel gratitude and if you can’t, be happy that you have loved ones to think about.

Go to and check out the Performing Under Pressure online workshop--it is the perfect Holiday gift for your loved ones.

follow me @pressuretweets

crown business
Source: crown business
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