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The Illogical Method That Can Get You Everything You Want

Become an overall winner with a big mindset.

Key points

  • Coach Anthony Mendez founded an agency that assists other business coaches in growing their business and promoting their online programs.
  • Mendez feels that the best and most successful people are “the best managers” in controlling their mindsets.
  • People can benefit from creating routine and healthy habits, such as making their bed every morning. Routines help gain focus.
Anthony Mendez, used with permission
Anthony Mendez
Source: Anthony Mendez, used with permission

Most people have goals and dreams that they are not actively working on to turn into realities.

Our world is filled with comfort. Most of us have beds, food, warmth, and entertainment. We love feeling comfortable, and when given a choice between a difficult path and an easy path, human beings will pick the easy path. This seems to be logical, correct? Yes, there is definitely logic in this selection. The predicament is when we choose the path of least resistance, we never reach our goals.

I have clients in my RIP-R therapy program (See, Can This OCD Treatment Help Where Others Have Failed?) who want to be sober, recovered from OCD, in great shape, in love, and financially successful. When they behave comfortably, they never reach these goals. Therefore, it becomes crystal clear that intentionally choosing the more difficult and challenging path is the road to your dreams.

How should people behave in order to achieve maximum success?

Recently, I had an opportunity to interview Anthony Mendez. Mendez is a business/marketing coach who was born and raised in Miami, Florida. He founded an agency that assists other business coaches in growing their business, promoting their online programs, and getting the exposure they need by using social media. Mendez collaborates with some well-known brands, such as Puma and Men’s Health Magazine. He is the founder of @fitproagency and is the Co-Host of @sweatitout.podcast.

We discussed what he believes is the necessary mindset for achieving everything they want in life. He feels that your mindset has to be “big.” From the start of your business, the mindset “should always be big.” What he means by “big” is that successful business people have a way of pushing through weak or negative thoughts. They know how to reframe counterproductive thoughts. They can modify, “This is definitely not going to work” and turn it into, “this hasn’t worked yet; that is why I need to keep at it and try it a different way.”

He feels that the best and most successful people are “the best managers” in controlling their mindsets, and “they figure out the best mindset principles to counteract those mindset problems.” He recommends that those just beginning on their success journey reach out for help and support to get help in developing and keeping the necessary “big” mindset.

To Be an Overall Winner

Mendez feels that successful people need to move their bodies to be an “overall winner.” He feels successful people have both components, physical and mental. He encourages his clients to even engage in “verbal” movement. He does a scream, “WO!!!”, every single day. He demonstrated this for me, and I tried it. It did make me feel more motivated.

Mendez is also a big believer in routine. He says that successful people need to create routine and healthy habits, such as making their bed every morning. He feels there are so many distractions in a person’s life that these routines will help anyone focus.

Anthony Mendez, used with permission
Anthony Mendez
Source: Anthony Mendez, used with permission

Best Way To Capitalize on Motivational Moments

Mendez believes that as soon as a person feels motivated, they need to take immediate action. As an example, he explained that if you leave a motivational speaking event, do not immediately go out for drinks and dinner with your co-workers. Rather, go up to your hotel room and start developing your online program, or go outside and start jogging. This way, you are moving your body. The action will send messages to your brain that you are “succeeding,” your brain will start being trained to believe this, and the “big” mindset will be activated.

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