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How to Ask a Doctor Friend for Medical Advice

Be careful, and know their expertise and limits.

Key points

  • Medical opinions are often garnered in very unusual places, but it's important to know the limits of informal medical consultations.
  • One study of doctors who gave informal advice found only 11 percent reported feeling satisfaction afterward and nearly half felt discomfort.
  • If referred to one's own doctor after asking another for informal advice, it's best to drop the subject.

For many of us, the body is like an old car. It’s always surprising us with its new sounds, sensations, and unexpected breakdowns. And it’s constantly providing material for investigation. Yes, the human body is a fascinating, unpredictable machine. At the same time, medicine is a fickle art and an imperfect science. For answers to medical questions, there’s always “Dr. Google," and an abundance—perhaps overabundance—of other online health information and advice.

But when it comes right down to it, most of us still prefer the face-to-face interaction and the in-person opinion of a health professional. Typically, we think this interaction occurs in the sterile environment of a physician’s exam room, or perhaps on the phone with an advice nurse. But often, medical opinions are garnered in very unusual places—at dinner parties, the gym, and via Facebook messages.

Health professionals are accustomed to fielding medical questions from family, friends, and acquaintances. I certainly am, and I’m often intrigued by the curiosities these questions unearth.

Have any of the following questions occurred to you? The answers are adapted from a favorite cocktail party reference, Why Do Men Have Nipples (Hundreds of Questions You’d Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Martini) by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg.

  • “Is it bad to crack your knuckles?” (Not in moderation, and it sure is satisfying.)
  • “Can hot tubs make you infertile? (Probably not, and wouldn’t they still be worth it?)
  • “Should you put a steak on a black eye?” (An ice pack is just as good unless you are really set on attracting attention from turkey vultures.)
  • “Can you swallow your tongue?” (No, you’d have to chop it out first.)
  • “What is a food coma?” (It's a multi-factorial condition often encountered after Thanksgiving dinner.)

These types of questions are nearly universally interesting (the fact that Nipples was a best-seller is sufficient evidence of this) and usually harmless banter. But, if you’re searching for real medical advice from that doctor friend or acquaintance, there are some considerations and pitfalls to be aware of.

First off, be aware that many physicians are not all that comfortable fielding questions outside of their normal work environment. And, in particular, it can be stressful to give medical advice to a friend or family member. A 2021 survey study of 143 family physicians in Israel found that respondents were hesitant to endorse formal or informal medical consultations with friends or family (<30 percent in favor of) and those who received more requests were more likely to be strongly against the practice. [Amran] Of those who did provide informal consultations, only 11 percent reported feeling satisfaction after and nearly half reported discomfort. The reasons for this discomfort included a lack of documentation and objectivity.

So, as we enter the cough and flu season which also happens to correlate with the cocktail and holiday party season, here is some advice, from a doctor, on how to informally seek advice from a doctor.

Know their specialty

A urologist is very different from a neurologist, even though the names sound quite similar (just ask any hospital operator). Thus, you should try to avoid asking a neurologist about a flaccidity issue that is better suited for the talents of a urologist.

Know the limits

Lighthearted questions are fine, and most physicians don’t mind them. Many of us enjoy telling our war stories in return. I certainly do. (By the way, did I ever tell you about the time that…) But, unless you truly think you are in danger, it is best not to casually invoke certain words or phrases. “Heh doc, it sorta feels like there is a big ol’ elephant on my chest,” and “You know, this really is by far the worst headache of my life,” are statements that may cause your physician friend to have a major change in sphincter tone.

Know when to stop

If M.D.-in-line-at-the-post-office says, “You should really talk to your doctor about that,” what she’s really saying is either "That sounds serious and I don’t want to be responsible for you not getting it checked out in a formal medical setting," or "That is totally out of my realm of expertise. I have no idea what you are talking about, and I’d much rather talk about the World Series matchup."

Can you curl your tongue? Does your daughter seem to have bionic hearing? Will your cousin’s eleventh toe be genetically passed on to his offspring? Are you convinced 99-year-old Aunt Mabel is still ticking because she drinks a thimble of scotch with breakfast? These are interesting, fun conversations that physicians often like to engage in. But a party is usually not the best place to talk about potentially serious medical issues.


Amran, M. M., Kopit, A. B., Kranc, H. A., & Peleg, R. (2021). The prevalence, reasons and attitudes for the practice of informal medicine. BMC family practice, 22(1), 1-8.Amran, M. M., Kopit, A. B., Kranc, H. A., & Peleg, R. (2021). The prevalence, reasons and attitudes for the practice of informal medicine. BMC family practice, 22(1), 1-8.

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