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Great Article on Psychology Today About Soft Break-Ups

In the ambiguous world of dating and mating, break ups are ambiguous, too.

I've written before on how there is a lot of ambiguity now in how people go about romantic and sexual relationships apart from marriage. In fact, most (not all) of my posts here so far have revolved around this ubiquity of ambiguity. Vagueness and a lack of clarity reign, like some type of zombie army has taken over how relationships work prior to marriage. If you want more on all that, check out my other posts.

I want to call your attention to a great article by Matt Huston, who writes for Psychology Today. He has written a lovely piece on what I call the Soft Break-Up. It features some quotes and ideas from me and my colleague Galena Rhoades. I thought you might like to read it.

It's right here if you want to take a look. Dating: The Soft Break Up

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