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Porn Cameos and Other News

What's been going on.

I try to keep this blog somewhat current, but at times the density of things makes it difficult to find the time to sit back and think about what's happening, much less write about it. This is one of the surprises of the turns my life has taken in the past few years—where I've gone from a very low-key (yet deeply satisfying) existence in Spain to the very exciting (yet ultimately frustrating) life I'm living now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. But I can say that I've had enough of a taste of the hustle and bustle of things to confirm that it's not what they sell it as. But what ever lives up to the sales pitch? A friend of mine, who's got half a dozen best-selling books under his belt listened to me complaining about being too busy to get started on my next book project (not to mention keep up with my blog on Psychology Today), and said, "Chris, I got successful by saying, 'yes,' but I stayed successful by saying, 'no.'" So I'm trying to learn to say no, after having said yes for the past few years. To interview requests, producers who want to pitch TV shows related to Sex at Dawn, journalists who want me to comment on the latest inanity related to sexual anthropology…I'm still doing my podcast, which you can find here, but other than that, I'm trying to cut back to the essentials.

Lord, give me chastity. But not just yet.

I can relate to St. Augustine's conflicted prayers, for sure. I'm entering my tomb of writerly silence and focus with a flourish. Two weeks ago, I played myself in an "adult film" being shot in San Francisco. That'll look great on my resume, next to "Ebonics to English Translator" and "Self-defense instructor to Zapatistas."

Then I went to LA to participate in the taping of a pilot show, hosted by a sex expert we all know and love, but I can't say more about that until HBO give it the thumbs up or down.

Anyway, if you'd like to keep up with what I'm doing, and one item per month isn't cutting it, you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (@ChrisRyanPhD), via my podcast, or at my site:

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