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The Great "Crazy" Coverup

Harm results from rewriting the history of DSM

Robert Whitaker just published the abovenamed article on his website at…

I have been deeply troubled by the way that some professionals and most media people have made it look as though at some point psychiatric diagnosis has been scientific and helpful and not harmful. Specifically, after hearing from huge numbers of people whose lives were destroyed by psychiatric labels in DSM-IV, the diagnostic manual that was used from 1994 until last year (when DSM-5 appeared), it has been appalling to see their suffering eclipsed by claims that DSM-IV was terrific, and it is only the newest edition that is dangerous. I wrote this new paper to document the coverup and explain the dangers caused by the rewriting of this history.

Sections of the paper include the nature of the rewritten history, the dangers to which it leads, the "bereavement hoax" and "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" as examples of the distortions, and the role of language in the twisting of the truth.

Please note that you will need to click on the last sentence of the paragraphs that appear on that page in order to see the full paper, which is quite lengthy but is rather a fast read.

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