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5 Creative Habits for the Entrepreneurially Challenged

Creativity coach Desiree East provides top tips on the creative life.

Key points

  • Some creatives often dread the business side of their work, but they don't have to.
  • Creativity fuels the passion of entrepreneurship and can also support business growth.
  • Creative habits that can help business include keeping a journal of ideas, trying something new, and trusting one's intuition.
Eric Maisel
Creativity Coaches on Creativity
Source: Eric Maisel

The business of creativity

Creative and performing artists are obliged to understand that they are essentially running a small, one-person business in addition to creating or performing. Most creatives wish that someone else would take care of business for them, but as a rule, that job falls squarely on their own shoulders. What can help? Their own imagination and their own creative efforts. In today’s post, creativity coach Desiree East explores this theme.

Desiree explains:

Running a business can be extremely exciting (and equally terrifying), especially for people who are new to the world of entrepreneurship. The world is evolving, technology is growing, and people’s creative minds are expanding along with this growth.

Whether it’s a rapidly growing start-up or a humble small business, there is a multitude of exciting new opportunities to create revenue in creative ways, and the growth of entrepreneurship worldwide has been on the rise.

But it doesn’t have to be all hustle. Creativity fuels passion and that is the motivation behind every successful entrepreneur. Productivity, time management, and left-brain logistics go hand-in-hand with right-brain inspiration, flow, and creativity.

Need a little spark of inspiration? Here are five creative habits to support your business growth:

  1. Keep a personal journal and create a daily or weekly practice of stream-of-consciousness writing. This could also be called a "brain dump," a way to let it all out and gain a new perspective on things. In addition, this creative practice supports the development of higher emotional intelligence, which is essential during your evolution as an entrepreneur. Reflect on stories and lessons in your business life and use the wisdom from those journeys as you grow on a personal level.
  2. Capture business ideas in a notebook or bullet journal. This is a tad different than keeping a personal journal. As creative entrepreneurs, we are blessed (or cursed) with so many ideas. Being open to new ideas that come through and being okay with "saving" them for later is a skill in itself. Simply capture your ideas in a notebook, on index cards, or on your phone. If you want to take it to the next level, learn the invaluable skill of bullet journaling. The more you develop the process of capturing ideas, the more you’ll be able to free up your memory, much like a computer, and this will allow more ideas to surface in an efficient way. More importantly, you’ll have your ideas documented for when you want to revisit them later.
  3. Trust your intuition. This is a big one and has everything to do with exercising your right-brain hemisphere. You can do all the planning in the world and analyze all the numbers. However, a lot of times you’ll have to rely on your gut. For example, when it comes to making significant business decisions, you can write out a pros and cons list, but still not be "happy" with that solution or decision. Tuning into your intuition to assist in making decisions is a skill that successful entrepreneurs depend on, and it can be enhanced by weaving regular creative practices into your weekly routines. Learning how to trust your intuition will help guide you toward wise and inspired actions.
  4. Ditch technology (or just go on a digital vacation). Give your brain (and your eyes) a break from information overload. If meditation is not for you, try something that soothes your mind, such as puzzles, playing an instrument, painting, or simply connecting with nature. Practice mindful breathing exercises and observe the things around you. Reflect and seek out patterns, whether it’s patterns in nature, in relationships, and even in your business. Setting aside intentional quiet time does wonders for processing ideas and problem-solving.
  5. Do something new. This activates the right brain and present moment awareness. Try out a new restaurant, eat new foods, or visit a new park to take your dog for a walk. Being in environments that are fresh to the brain assists in sparking new ideas or solutions to problems that might have seemed stagnant. Explore, play, and feel the freedom of connecting with your adventurous side with child-like energy.

Creativity is all about taking risks and demonstrating a willingness to fail. Like an artist, an entrepreneur is willing to mess up and take chances, knowing that the optimal, ideal outcome will emerge. Nurturing your creativity is essential in training your mind to find solutions in more efficient and fun ways, especially when it comes to running a successful business.

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