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How Attachment Styles Can Affect Relationships

Romantic attachment styles explained.

Key points

  • The first bonds we form with our caregivers can affect how we relate to others through our attachment style.
  • Research has identified four main styles of attachment in adults.
  • Understanding your romantic attachment style can be helpful when navigating relationships.
Source: conrado/Shutterstock

You can't understand why you keep pushing potential partners away, even though you like them.

You seek constant reassurance from your partner that the relationship is OK.

Or maybe you have always struggled with jealousy and possessiveness in your relationships, which causes a lot of conflict.

If this sounds familiar, identifying your romantic attachment style may help you understand why you feel and do certain things in your relationships. Our early childhood experiences can shape our attachment styles and affect our adult relationships, including how we communicate, interact, and form bonds with others. This article will overview the four main attachment styles (secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant) and their potential relationship implications.

What are attachment styles?

Attachment styles refer to the patterns of interpersonal relationships we form in early childhood with our primary caregivers, which can influence how we relate to others throughout our lives. It is useful to think of attachment styles as ways of relating. Attachment styles are either secure or insecure, with the three insecure attachment styles being anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. However, it's important to note that attachment styles are not set in stone, can overlap, and can change over time. The following sections will explore each attachment style and how it can affect relationships.

Secure attachment style

Having a secure attachment style means you are comfortable with intimacy and can form close relationships without significant fear of rejection or abandonment. As a result, you trust your partner, can express your emotions honestly, and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships with others.

Being securely attached, you will likely be affectionate, communicative, and responsive to your partner's needs. You are also comfortable with your partner's independence and are not afraid to spend time alone or pursue their interests. As a result, you can maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships, are not likely to be overly jealous or possessive, and are open and honest, and treat partners with love and respect.

Anxious-preoccupied attachment style: insecurities and self-doubt

If you have an anxious-preoccupied attachment style, you tend to have a negative view of yourself and a positive view of others. As a result, you may feel insecure in your relationships and worry about your partner's love and commitment. You may also be prone to jealousy and need reassurance from your partner that you are loved and valued.

An anxious-preoccupied attachment style can make forming and maintaining healthy relationships difficult because you crave intimacy and closeness but fear rejection and abandonment. You may have a strong need for reassurance and may seek constant validation from your partner, which can harm your relationship in the long run. You may be hypervigilant and look out for signs of rejection or abandonment, even when they are absent. Because of this, you may be more likely to engage in relationship behaviours such as excessive clinginess, emotional volatility, or controlling behaviour—for example, constant calling or messaging, making empty threats about leaving the relationship, or attempting to make partners feel jealous.

Dismissive-avoidant attachment style: distant and detached

A dismissive-avoidant attachment style means that you tend to have a positive view of yourself and a negative view of your relationships. You value independence and self-sufficiency over emotional intimacy and feel uncomfortable with closeness and vulnerability in relationships; hence, you tend to avoid emotional intimacy. This may mean you date a lot but do not have longer-term relationships. You may have difficulty trusting others and be emotionally distant or dismissive in relationships—for example, not returning phone calls or messages, avoiding sex, or refusing to say, "I love you."

You value independence and self-sufficiency over emotional intimacy with your partner in a relationship. As a result, you may struggle with expressions of emotion or vulnerability and find it hard to provide emotional support to your partner. In addition, you may quickly withdraw or shut down when you feel overwhelmed or threatened in a relationship rather than being able to talk about how you feel with your partner. This tends to put a wedge between you and your partner. In fact, studies show that individuals with an avoidant attachment style are more likely to experience relationship problems and dissatisfaction (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2016).

Fearful-avoidant attachment style: fearful of being too close and too distant

A fearful-avoidant attachment style means you will have a negative view of yourself and your relationships. You may feel torn between a desire for emotional closeness and a distressing fear of rejection and abandonment. You struggle with trust and intimacy, feeling both drawn to and fearful of intimacy in your relationships. This can create a "push–pull" scenario: You crave intimacy leading you to get close to your partner, but this creates intense fear, which pushes you into pulling away from them. As a result, you may struggle to trust your partner and may be guarded or distant in the relationship. This tends to push partners away, and you may become emotionally volatile in response to perceived threats to the relationship.

I may have an insecure attachment style; now what?

If one or more of the insecure attachment styles have resonated with you, don't panic. Although attachment styles are relatively stable throughout our lives, they can shift and change through self-reflection, willingness to change old behaviour patterns, and management of attachment-related anxiety and avoidance that may show up in relationships. This can be hard to do alone, so seeking out therapy may be a good first step.


Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. R. (2016). Attachment in adulthood: Structure, dynamics, and change (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.

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