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Changing Social Norms in the Time of a Pandemic

Psychological research tells us how to change social norms and save lives.

Katarzyna Modrzejewska/Pixels
Source: Katarzyna Modrzejewska/Pixels

Within hours of planes crashing into the World Trade Center on 9/11, the government took fast action. All flights were grounded and the president, police commissioner, and mayor of New York issued regular, factual and clear updates. When the airports did open two days later, immediate changes were implemented, signaling that these were new times.

Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic doesn’t have the features that naturally lead to rapid social change, like a sudden crisis with unmistakable consequences. The number of cases in the United States appears relatively small, which makes it harder for people to take it seriously. It also means most of us don’t yet know anyone who has tested positive – or worse, died.

Reports from other countries have given us a glimpse of how quickly the virus spreads, but it’s psychologically very hard for us to play out hypothetical future scenarios that require difficult changes now. We tend to focus on the here-and-now, so playing out what the world may look like in two to four weeks isn’t easy. This cognitive limitation explains why most of us have trouble prioritizing long-term consequences over short-term gain. It's why we fail to keep our New Year’s Resolutions and have trouble saving for retirement.

All of these factors are magnified for young people. Teenagers and young adults are especially likely to prioritize short-term rewards over long-term consequences, which explains why so many continue to vape even as growing evidence comes out about the serious health consequences. Their propensity for risk-taking and strong desire to fit in leads teens to engage in risky behavior, especially when they are with their peers. This helps explain the many photos of young people hanging out in crowded bars and restaurants, despite the growing awareness that this is precisely how the virus spreads.

Not everyone is embracing the new normal, but we need to, quickly. Psychology research fortunately provides several important insights as to how we can change social norms, fast, to reduce the spread and severity of this pandemic.

First, it is important to realize that one person can make a difference. Each of us individually can feel powerless in the face of this pandemic, but just a single person practicing social distancing matters. You’ve probably seen the picture circulating on social media of a row of burning matches followed by one match moving away – which then protects the unlit matches from catching fire. So your own individual choice – to limit grocery store runs, or to refuse to host playdates – can and will make a difference.

Second, widen the in-group. We are far more willing to help those we know—or feel connected to—than anonymous strangers. That explains why many people weren’t particularly concerned about the virus when it appeared to be confined to China, South Korea, or Iran. Broadening how we think about our connections to others—focusing on our own older relatives or friends with underlying health conditions—can help us overcome the ingrained human tendency toward inaction.

Third, role models of all types—not just political leaders but also celebrities and sports stars—should actively be pushing for behavioral change. NBA star Steph Curry posted a video to social media encouraging social distancing, which may help with adolescents and young adults. As Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr says, “Everyone has to understand that every individual can play a role in this and that’s the only way it’s going to work to shift the momentum of what we’re facing.”

Research by Damon Centola at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that large-scale social change doesn’t require the support of the majority. If only about 25 percent of people in a group take a stand, that is enough to create a tipping point that can relatively quickly lead to the establishment of a new norm. A small but vocal minority can change what’s seen as socially expected, whether it’s bumping elbows instead of shaking hands or staying home instead of going out.

We don't need everyone to immediately adopt new norms. What we need is for enough of us to do so. If 25 percent of us change our behavior—and publicize making this change to friends, neighbors, and family members—we can shape social norms more broadly.

Source: Burst/Pexels

So here's my request to all who read this: Follow recommended guidelines from the CDC and other public health experts. Wash your hands. Practice social distancing. Stay home. But what's equally important is that you share this choice with others in your social network, by email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Because in this case, changing how we go about our daily lives can save lives.

More from Catherine A. Sanderson Ph.D.
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