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3 Excellent Career Advice Resources for Job Seekers

Save time and gain career confidence by using these great career advice sites.

Searching for career development resources can be overwhelming and frustrating. There are endless amounts of information online, but much of it is outdated or too general to be truly helpful. When clients ask me questions about resumes, cover letters, and job interviews, I often give them the homework assignment of exploring some of my favorite online resources. This not only prepares them for our meetings, it saves them valuable time and money and staves off frustration. Here are a few of my go-to career websites:

1. The Goodwill Professional Center, part of Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina, posts excellent YouTube videos addressing common career questions. Sign up on their website to gain free access to Director Randy Wooden's video library. He addresses all career levels and many of the most challenging job search situations such as:

  • how to answer challenging interview questions
  • preparing your 'elevator speech'
  • networking
  • determining salary requirements

2. If you think of career resources as boring or full of regurgitated content, then you haven't met Alison Green! Her website's name and tagline say it all: "Ask A Manager...and if you don't, I'll tell you anyway." Alison injects her blog posts with humor and a direct, casual, and approachable tone. Ask A Manager tackles very specific career-related questions and scenarios from the perspective of, you guessed it, a hiring manager. Her articles have been featured on U.S. News and she is the author of How To Get A Job: Secrets Of A Hiring Manager.

3. The Brazen Careerist Blog is a great site for browsing articles written by a variety of career experts. This site is good for gaining a variety of up-to-date perspectives on many career-related topics.

Okay, I couldn't stop at three, so here is a bonus fourth resource: Career Handouts and Tip Sheets prepared by the University of Southern California Career Center


For more career success resources, check out my other articles:

Not Another Damn 'How To Write A Resume Article'?!

10 Best Career Advice Websites

Boost Your Career By Creating A Success Toolkit


Updated 5/23/16

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