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The Paradox of Change: An Open Letter to Change Seekers

When our intention to change is met by the difficult realities of self-work

The Paradox of Change

I hear you say things aren’t quite right these days, that you’re eager for change. And underneath that eagerness lies some fear. And underneath that fear, something deeply unknown.

I recognize the courage it has taken you to tell me. Remember that courage when parts of you resist the changes you seek. Change is full of paradox like that.

I hear you say you’re ready to take that risk. You’ll be challenged around every turn. But accepting that challenge is some of the most meaningful work you will ever do. And it is work. There are no shortcuts. Seven days a week. 365 days a year.

Because the real work isn’t a place you go each day or a series of motions you’ve been tasked with completing. The real work follows you everywhere you go and fills each of your motions with an intention. The work is always about intention.

Get ready for changes to happen quickly, and for parts of you to slow it all down. And just when you think things are running smoothly again, you will encounter setback. That is when you do the work.

You will love doing the work. And hate it with every cell of your being. You will feel rested doing the work. After you feel exhausted. You’ll have glorious warm days of inspiration and accomplishment. And it won't feel like work at all.

Remember to celebrate your small changes, and have faith that they will grow into your biggest intentions. Remember to be forgiving with your setbacks and mistakes, for they too will shape your intentions in the most unexpected ways.

Always be kind to yourself. And be tough. They both take work. And remember to take breaks. To rest your soul and soften the hard edges. Then, keep working.

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