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How to Get the Most Out of the 'What Went Right?' Posts

How to get the most out of the what-went-right posts.

The 'what went right' approach is based on one simple truth: You succeeded at self-change before, so you can succeed again. This truth is a self-affirming truth. It affirms that you have the power to change yourself. It helps you realize that the only difference between your current-self and your changed-self is time and effort.

As you read my posts and work on your self-change goal, you need to keep that truth in mind.

That's not enough, though.

The what-went-right posts will help you the most if you always keep in mind the last time you successfully changed yourself. It could have been a few days ago or a few years ago. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you take some time, right now and every time you read one the what-went-right posts, to remember that you succeeded last time and to remember what you did and what you thought.

Chances are that you didn't follow every single one of the steps that I describe on this blog. That's fine. In fact, it would be surprising if, last time, you followed every single recommendation in every single one of my posts.

Most certainly, because of past self-insight and good advice, you did some of what I am recommending. That's great. When I remind you of something that you did, you feel good and the reminder, in turn, leads to your resolve to do the same thing this time.

When one of my posts tells you about a technique that's new to you, that's even better. The more techniques you know, the easier self-change will be!

Next post: What Went Right? You Made Mini-Plans (although you probably didn't know it)

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