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10 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Speaking or Singing Voice

These easy-to-implement practices will help you sound your best.

“The human voice is the organ of the soul.” ―Henry Longfellow

Do you like the sound of your speaking or singing voice? Lifestyle choices often affect the quality of your voice. Conversely, the tone of your voice may reflect certain lifestyle decisions. Below are seven healthy habits to improve your speaking or singing voice, with excerpts from my book: How to Improve the Sound of Your Speaking Voice.

1. Drink water. Hydrate yourself regularly with room temperature water. Keep your throat moist to generate better quality sound. If you live in a dry climate or at high elevation, both of which are tougher on the voice, it’s even more important to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

2. Drink warm (but not hot) water. Do this whenever possible. It's even better for your throat than room temperature water.

3. Drink warm water with honey. If you anticipate speaking or singing nonstop for longer than 30 minutes, drink warm water mixed with 100 percent pure honey (avoid fake honey, or honey with additives) to help sustain your voice. The amount of honey in the warm water should be just enough to help smooth your throat, but not so much that it coats your throat.

4. Get sufficient sleep. Sleep at least eight hours a day. Take short naps of 20 to 30 minutes in the afternoon whenever possible. Fatigue from lack of sleep shows in the voice and makes it easier to cause vocal damage, especially when the voice is overused.

5. Lower stress. Stress also contributes, sometimes very quickly, to vocal fatigue, increasing the likelihood of damage when the voice is overused. Often, our voice sounds higher (and weaker) when we experience nervousness and anxiety. Reduce stress through regular diaphragmatic deep breathing, exercise, meditation, and other stress-reduction techniques.

6. Eat a healthy-voice diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, and white meat, such as chicken and turkey. A healthy diet contributes to vocal strength and durability.

7. Avoid smoking and exposure to smoke. Inhalation of smoke irritates and can significantly damage the throat.

9. Avoid excessive alcohol. Heavy consumption of alcohol can progressively and irreparably damage the voice.

10. Avoid overusing your voice. Take a short break whenever possible after 30 minutes of non-stop speaking or singing.

For more tips on how to improve the tone of your voice, click on reference below.

© 2018 by Preston C. Ni. All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright violation may subject the violator to legal prosecution.


Ni, Preston. How to Improve the Sound of Your Speaking Voice. PNCC. (2016)

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