Human Nature
Presents a series of statistics from mental health to baby boomers. Percentage of people in US to develop a mental disorder during their lifetime according to National Mental Health Association (NMHA); Percentage of US eighth graders threatened with a weapon in school, according to University of Michigan study; Percentage of sexually active high schoolers dropped from 1989 to 1991, according to Centers for Disease Control study; More.
By Bridget Murray published March 1, 1993 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016
The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) estimates that about 22% of the U.S. adult population - about 40 million people - will develop a mental disorder during their lifetime.
An NMHA survey also finds that only 10% of the population think mental disorders are biologically based. Americans believe instead that emotional weakness (71%), bad parenting (65%), and sinful behavior (35%) cause mental instability. Forty-three percent think mental illness is incurable, while another 43% insist that people bring it on themselves.
Nineteen percent of U.S. eighth graders have been threatened with a weapon in school and 9% have been injured, according to a University of Michigan study. Forty-four percent have had property stolen, while 34% report having property vandalized.
Approximately one in seven U.S. schoolkids is either bullied or a bully, reports the National Association of School Psychologists. In addition, about 5,200 secondary-school teachers are physically attacked every month.
From 1989 to 1991, the percentage of sexually active high schoolers dropped from 59% to 54%, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those who've had two or more sex partners dropped from 40% to 35%. Those with some AIDS education climbed to 83% from 54%though condom use is still under 50%.
Sixteen percent of American 12- to 18-year-olds smoke and 75% of them have tried unsuccessfully to quit, according to a study by the National Health Center for Teen Statistics.
The number of teens who think success means making big bucks is down 29% from five years ago, says a Teen Research Unlimited study.
By 2020, the Census Bureau expects the number of people over 50 to increase 76%, while those under 50 are expected to decrease by 1%. Almost half of elderly women are widowed, compared to 15% of elderly men.
By 2002, the National Center for Education Statistics projects that in every field except math, more than 30% of college faculty will be over 60.
Fifty percent of passengers who take public transportation are annoyed by people wearing heavy perfume, according to a poll of 754 adults conducted by C.J. Olson Market Research Inc. Loud talking (49%), getting too close (48%), crying babies (46%), and bad-smelling people (46%) are also irritating.
American businesses lose $200 million a year because of poor handwriting, reports the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association.
Over half of U.S. high school seniors can't interpret the results of science experiments, according to tests conducted by the National Assessment of Educational Progress.