Psicólogos especialistas en Psicoanálisis en Penonomé

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Terapia online

Foto de Juan Esteban Rodriguez, Lic. en Psicología
Juan Esteban Rodriguez
Lic. en Psicología
Verificado Verificado
Panamá, Provincia de Panamá
Psicólogo clínico con gran capacidad de escucha y perseverancia, creativo e innovador con experiencia para identificar y acompañar en la resolución de conflictos. Poseo un notable respeto hacia la vida y el ser humano, con interés genuino por comprender comportamientos, motivaciones y emociones trabajando con responsabilidad y sentido ético.
Psicólogo clínico con gran capacidad de escucha y perseverancia, creativo e innovador con experiencia para identificar y acompañar en la resolución de conflictos. Poseo un notable respeto hacia la vida y el ser humano, con interés genuino por comprender comportamientos, motivaciones y emociones trabajando con responsabilidad y sentido ético.
6830-90... Mostrar número
Foto de Milena Del Carmen Moreno Cosio, Lic. en Psicología, Psicólogo
Milena Del Carmen Moreno Cosio
Psicólogo, Lic. en Psicología
Verificado Verificado
Panamá, Provincia de Panamá
Psicóloga y psicoterapeuta enfocada en salud preventiva y cambio de hábitos. Puedes escuchar mi podcast en youtube y encontrarme en instagram como psico.holisticaom.
Psicóloga y psicoterapeuta enfocada en salud preventiva y cambio de hábitos. Puedes escuchar mi podcast en youtube y encontrarme en instagram como psico.holisticaom.
6817-87... Mostrar número

Ver más opciones de terapia en Penonomé

Psicoanálisis Psicólogos

Does psychoanalytic therapy work?

Psychoanalytic therapy derives from the work of Sigmund Freud. In this type of therapy, discovering buried thoughts and emotions from the unconscious will help a person work through their difficulties and negative behaviours. Research shows that psychoanalytic therapy can be highly effective, with patients reporting improvement in mood, quality of life, and overall well-being.

How long are people typically in psychoanalytic therapy?

Traditional psychoanalysis is in-depth and is conducted in five sessions every week. Today, modern psychoanalytic therapy is less intense and normally incorporates as few as one or two sessions a week. In some cases, positive change can occur quickly. However, if the condition, difficulty, or behaviour is deep-seated, improvement may require many months or years of therapy.

Is psychoanalytic therapy suitable for young people?

Children and adolescents can benefit from this type of therapy. Many kids and teens are often unable to form and communicate their thoughts and emotions. Psychoanalytic therapy uses specific techniques such as dream analysis, symbolism, and free association or word association; all of which can be useful tools for less-communicative young people. Through this therapy, a patient will hopefully make connections between what they feel inside and how the world works outside.

Can psychoanalytic therapy be done online?

Modern-day psychoanalytic therapy is very different from traditional psychoanalysis. While an individual can sit face-to-face with the psychoanalyst for multiple sessions a week, they do not have to. Today, psychoanalytic therapy can be effectively conducted online or by phone. The key is that the individual confronts what is repressed and avoided, and this can be done whether in person or over online video.