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Vacation Blues: Why Post-Holiday Relaxation Vanishes Quickly

Discover four key strategies to maintain serenity beyond your getaway.

Key points

  • Vacations provide a temporary escape from stress, but the return to routine can quickly erode that relaxation.
  • It's essential to prioritize self-care and implement strategies to prolong the benefits of a restful vacation.
  • Consistency, mindfulness, boundaries, and a post-vacation routine are crucial for maintaining serenity.
Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash
Source: Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Do you often find yourself caught in the cycle of stress and relaxation? You eagerly await your vacation, counting down the days until you can finally escape the demands of work and daily life. And when that much-needed getaway arrives, you indulge in relaxation, sleep, and rejuvenation. But why is it that once you return from vacation, the stress seems to creep back in, erasing the sense of tranquility you worked so hard to achieve? This was my experience after returning from a restorative two-week holiday in South Florida a month ago. It didn’t take long for the responsibilities that awaited me upon my return to resurge my stress level to its pre-vacation high.

The truth is vacations offer a temporary respite from our daily stressors. They give us the opportunity to unwind, rejuvenate, and reconnect with ourselves. During this time, our minds and bodies are allowed to rest, and we can experience a sense of balance and calmness. However, the transition back to our regular routine can disrupt this delicate state of equilibrium, leading to the return of unhealthy stress and its unwelcome side effects.

So how can we prolong the post-vacation serenity and maintain a sense of balance and calm in our daily lives?

Consistency Is Key.

One of the primary reasons we experience a rebound in stress after vacation is a sudden disruption in our routine. Our bodies and minds thrive on consistency, so it’s important to establish a daily routine that incorporates self-care practices. Prioritize activities such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring you joy and help you unwind. By maintaining a consistent routine, you can help to prolong the benefits of your vacation and create a more serene lifestyle.

Cultivate Mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment without judgment. When we are mindful, we are less likely to get caught up in worries about the past or future. Incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily life can help you stay grounded and reduce stress. Try integrating short mindfulness exercises throughout the day, such as deep breathing or taking a few moments to observe your surroundings. By staying present and aware, you can prevent your mind from racing and maintain a sense of tranquility.

Set Boundaries.

In today’s hyperconnected world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant stream of notifications and demands. Learning to set boundaries and disconnect from technology is crucial for maintaining serenity. Establish specific times when you will unplug from work-related emails or social media, allowing yourself to fully unwind. By setting boundaries, you create space for relaxation and prevent the intrusion of stress into your personal life.

Create a Post-Vacation Routine.

Just as we have pre-vacation rituals like creating a packing list, paying bills, and wrapping up time-sensitive tasks, it’s equally important to establish a post-vacation routine. Rather than diving headfirst into the chaos of everyday life, give yourself permission to take some time to ease back into your routine. Gradually reintegrate work responsibilities and obligations, allowing yourself moments of rest and self-care. Reflect on the positive aspects of your vacation and find ways to incorporate them into your daily life. Whether it’s a peaceful morning walk or indulging in a favorite hobby, integrating elements of your vacation routine into your everyday life can help sustain the sense of serenity you experienced.

Focus on Progress.

While it’s inevitable that the demands of daily life will resurface after a vacation, implementing these strategies can help prolong the benefits of relaxation and maintain a sense of calmness and balance. By prioritizing consistency, mindfulness, setting boundaries, and creating a post-vacation routine, you can navigate the post-holiday transition more smoothly and sustain the serenity you achieved during your getaway. It may take time to establish your new equilibrium, and you may not get it right immediately. Remember to be kind to yourself, be patient, and focus on progress over perfection.

More from Nina Ahuja BScHons, MD, FRCSC, CHE
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