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Digital Anxiety

How technology and social media makes us anxious and what you can do about it.

Key points

  • Anxiety is a part of living, both online and offline.
  • Keeping an anxiety journal may help to relieve stress.
  • It may also help to limit social media and screen time and commit to non-digital self-care practices.  

Life is unpredictable and anxiety-producing. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 19.1% of U.S. adults have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and an estimated 31.5% of adults can expect to experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives.

There’s no doubt that technology and social media have intensified our anxiety, much like gasoline does when poured on a fire. Replicated studies are showing that too much time on screens and social media is linked to higher levels of negative rumination, FOMO, negative social comparisons, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. And our lack of in-person connection and interaction, time in nature, and engagement in our communities is creating what some mental health professionals are referring to as “digital anxiety."

What is digital anxiety?

Most anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, are caused by difficulty in coping with uncertainty, ambivalence, and ambiguity and are manifested by symptoms of excessive worry and anxiety. For example, an individual with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) might experience excessive worry about their own safety or that of a loved one, or have chronic fears that something bad is about to happen. Digital anxiety, on the other hand, is directly rooted in our use of technology and social media habits. An example of digital anxiety is stress caused by negative interactions from a text, an email, or a social media post. Other examples of digital anxiety are feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, FOMO, and envy stemming from social media consumption as well as feelings of loneliness and social isolation from spending too much time on screens.

People can also experience digital anxiety when physically separated from their phones. Like those struggling with generalized anxiety disorder, individuals with digital anxiety experience excessive worry and anxiety but their anxiety stems from being "disconnected." Worry regarding not knowing about a possible worldwide threat such as war or a natural catastrophe, missing out on a social event, and or not knowing the whereabouts of their loved ones and friends are common concerns for those with digital anxiety.

Addressing anxiety of all kinds is crucial for taking care of our physical health as well as our emotional health. Anxiety has been associated with a host of medical issues such as digestive illness, cardiac disease, and migraines. But it’s not all bad news. Paying attention to our emotions when logged on, being mindful and intentional when engaging with our devices, and making sure we commit to daily self-care practices that enhance our mental health such as spending time with friends and loved ones as well as spending time in natural settings are ways that we can reduce and eliminate anxiety. Below are a few recommendations to help you get started.

1. Be honest with yourself about your digital habits. Record how often you are engaged with screens and technology. Take note of things such as the time of day you are most likely to log on and how you feel before and after you log on. Getting honest with yourself about how often you interact with technology is a BIG step towards cultivating self-awareness.

2. Accept that anxiety is a part of living (both online and offline). Life is unpredictable and often beyond our control. Make a daily commitment to practice the DBT skill of radical acceptance, the ability to accept our reality without judgment. Radical acceptance does not mean we approve of negative events and situations that have happened or are happening but, rather, that we accept these circumstances, no matter how difficult they feel and are, as realities we might not be able to change at this very moment or ever.

3. Keep an anxiety journal. Journaling on a regular basis has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety. It helps with problem-solving and focuses our attention on specific goals and with processing unresolved feelings such as of grief and anger both of which can cause anxiety.

4. Limit social media and screen time. More studies are coming out showing the negative effects between social media, screen time, and our emotional health. One way in which social media exacerbates anxiety stems from comparing one’s self to virtual friends and or social media influencers. Scheduling and putting firm time limits on your social media check-ins is one way to take charge of your digital habits. Prioritizing time spent with friends and family and engaging in offline activities such as hobbies, reading, and exercise are other ways to take charge of one’s anxiety in the digital age.

5. Commit to daily non-digital self-care practices. Self-care is the intentional act of taking time to pay attention to you. Examples of non-digital self-care practices are exercise, time with friends, listening to music, spending time with a beloved pet, reading, or engaging in a hobby.

More from Paula Durlofsky, Ph.D.
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