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Matthew Shanahan M.Sc.


Matthew Shanahan is a Ph.D. student at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. He variously occupies different locations on the decisional-style spectrum, maximizing his academic and clinical development opportunities, satisficing with an adequate network of social support and opportunities to serve the community, and simplifying what makes him truly happy: time at home with his wife or spent in personal prayer. He has published his undergraduate research with fellow PT blogger Timothy Pychyl, and has also presented a mathematical model of decisional control (coping with stress through good decisions) in a recent article. Matthew holds a doctoral-level Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, is an award-winning teaching assistant for honours-level statistics, has given numerous public talks on stress, procrastination, and identity, and has been featured in a research profile for graduate students at Western.

Following the inspiration of his favourite philosopher of psychology, Chris Peet at The King's University College at the University of Alberta, Matthew subscribes to the theory that psychology expertise must be lived to be authentically of value. Consistent, however, with his patience in supporting clinical clients towards incremental, trending progress, he makes allowance for patience with himself in this regard as well.

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