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Jeremy Shapiro Ph.D.


Jeremy Shapiro, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and adjunct faculty member of the Psychological Sciences Department of Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Shapiro has worked as a researcher, therapist, and trainer in university, hospital, community mental health, private practice, and corporate settings. He has published 7 books and 40+ articles and has presented over 200 one-day workshops to therapists in over 40 states on topics including depression, violence prevention, psychotherapy methods, naturalistic outcome research, the psychology of money and, especially, the focus of this blog: the maladaptive nature of black-and-white, polarized thinking, and the solution provided by eclectic moderation and balance. His books include, Psychotherapeutic Diagrams: Pathways, Spectrums, Feedback Loops, and the Search for Balance (for therapists), Finding Goldilocks: A Guide for Creating Balance in Personal Change, Relationships, and Politics (for everyone), and Child and Adolescent Therapy: Science and Art (a graduate school textbook). From its beginning, the focus of Dr. Shapiro’s career has been integrating scientific research with immersive therapy experience to construct accurate, deep-level understandings of human problems and their solutions.

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