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David B Seaburn Ph.D., L.M.F.T.


David B. Seaburn, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., has written seven novels: Gavin Goode (2019---American Book Fest Finalist for "Best Book" Fiction; Somerset Award, Literary, Contemporary and Satire Fiction, Semi-Finalist, 2020); Parrot Talk (2017--runner up in fiction---TAZ Author Awards),More More Time (2015), Chimney Bluffs (2012), Charlie No Face (2011—Finalist in General Fiction, National Indie Excellence Awards), Pumpkin Hill (2007), and Darkness is as Light (2005). He has also served a rural country parish, worked in community mental health, been an assistant professor of psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center for twenty years, where he and others helped pioneer the collaborative family healthcare movement, and also directed a free public school-based family counseling center before his retirement in 2010. He has co-authored two professional books, Family-Oriented Primary Care (1990) and Models of Collaboration. He and his wife live near Rochester, NY. They have two adult daughters and four wonderful grandchildren.

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