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Family Dynamics

How to Heal From an Emotional Estrangement

Along with boundaries, work on differentiation.

Key points

  • Breaking off a significant relationship is a method some use to manage intense anxiety within relationships.
  • An estimated 67 million Americans are currently estranged from a relative.
  • Cutoffs can lead to a generational pattern where individuals sever connections when upset.
  • Navigating emotional cutoffs is a journey of self-exploration, understanding, and patience.
iStock/ MaryLong
Source: iStock/ MaryLong

Imagine a family gathering that ends in an argument. Voices are raised, harsh words exchanged, and suddenly, one family member announces they're done with this family and storms out. Calls and emails afterward go unreturned.

This scenario might be more common than many people think, and it's a classic example of an emotional cutoff. Emotional cutoffs happen when individuals distance themselves from family members as a way to manage unresolved emotional issues. Here, we explore the phenomenon through the Bowen Family Systems theory lens, which helps us understand the intricacies of family dynamics and emotional processes.

Understanding Emotional Cutoffs

Breaking off a significant relationship, known as a cutoff, is a method some people use to manage intense anxiety within relationships. While divorce and breakups are the most recognized forms, cutoff can manifest in various ways. For instance, an estimated 67 million Americans are currently estranged from a relative (Pillemer, 2020). Whether first noticed during a family genogram exercise or experienced personally, cutoffs are a part of many families' narratives.

Cutoffs can lead to a generational pattern where individuals sever connections with those who trigger intense feelings, often under stressful circumstances or over issues like financial strain, religion, or politics. If your family has a history of such patterns, you might consider cutoff during relationship difficulties or even minor disagreements.

The Impact of Cutoff

While initially relieving relationship anxiety, cutoffs can, over time, heighten anxiety and emotional intensity in other relationships. An individual estranged from their family may lean excessively on their partner to meet all their needs, thereby placing undue pressure on that relationship or suppressing their needs due to fear of jeopardizing the connection (The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, 2023). This explains why many seeking therapy for their marriage, anxiety, or depression often have a history of relationship cutoffs.

Research illuminates the profound personal impact of being cut off from family, revealing both immediate and long-term effects on mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that individuals experiencing family estrangement often report feelings of profound loss, grief, and loneliness, which can mirror the mourning process. This sense of loss is compounded by societal expectations of familial closeness, leading to increased feelings of isolation and stigmatization (Pillemer & Suitor, 2019).

Additionally, the absence of a support network previously provided by family members can exacerbate stress and anxiety levels, making individuals more susceptible to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety disorders. Conversely, some report a sense of relief and a decrease in anxiety stemming from toxic family dynamics, highlighting the complexity of emotions tied to family cutoffs.

From a Bowen family systems perspective, the cutoff cycle has intergenerational implications, perpetuating a pattern that may fuel future relational disconnects. Bowen's theory posits that unresolved emotional issues are often transmitted through generations, influencing familial interactions and individual behaviors.

Thus, a parent who has experienced a cutoff from their own family may, even unconsciously, instill behaviors and emotional responses in their children that predispose them to similar estrangements. This transmission occurs as individuals often replicate the emotional coping mechanisms observed in their parents, including avoidance and cutoff, as strategies for managing conflict and emotional distress. Consequently, without intervention and a conscious effort to develop healthier relational patterns, the legacy of cutoff can run through families, affecting relationships far beyond the initial estrangement.

It is crucial to recognize that while cutoff is not an "easy way out," it sometimes represents the healthiest option, especially in cases of abuse. The intensity that leads to considering cutoff should not compel you to stay in the relationship merely to reverse a pattern. Reflecting on the forces behind the pattern and your goals in addressing it is essential before making decisions.

Pathways to Healing

Some cutoffs can be repaired by taking responsibility for our role in the rift, learning to manage our anxiety in intense relationships, and becoming more differentiated. As you work on your relationships, exploring any history of cutoffs in your family can provide objectivity about how this pattern plays a role in your life.

  1. Acknowledgment and responsibility: Recognize your part in the relationship dynamics and take responsibility where necessary. This step is crucial for opening the door to reconciliation.
  2. Managing anxiety: Learn strategies to manage anxiety around intense relationships. Techniques such as mindfulness, deep breathing, and seeking therapy can help in regulating emotions.
  3. Differentiation: Work on becoming more differentiated. This means being able to separate your emotional and intellectual functioning from that of your family. This helps you maintain your individuality while staying connected.
  4. Open communication: Initiate open, honest, and non-confrontational communication. Express your feelings, listen to the other person's perspective, and seek a mutual understanding.
  5. Setting boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries that respect your needs and those of others. Boundaries are crucial for a balanced relationship.

Navigating emotional cutoffs is a journey of self-exploration, understanding, and patience. Healing and reconnection are possible by recognizing the patterns, taking responsibility, and working towards differentiation and open communication. Remember, while not all relationships can or should be salvaged, the effort to understand and address emotional cutoffs can lead to significant personal growth and healthier relationships in the future.

It's essential to acknowledge that healing and resolving unresolved emotional attachments are possible, even in cases where salvaging the relationship may not be safe or feasible. Taking steps towards understanding, forgiveness, and personal growth allows for healing these emotional wounds, leading to a healthier state of mind and being.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to achieve peace and resolution within oneself, fostering healthier relationships in the future. Wishing you strength and wisdom on your journey towards healing and healthy relationships, whether they be with others or within yourself.

Facebook/LinkedIn image: Zigres/Shutterstock


Pillemer, K. (2020). Fault Lines: Fractured Families and How to Mend Them. Avery.

Pillemer, K., Suitor, J.J. and Baltar, A.L. (2019) ‘Ambivalence, families and care’, International Journal of Care and Caring, 3(1): 9–22,
DOI: 110.1332/239788218X15411705587594

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